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29 April 2007

Lesson learned
I guess yesterday was the day of diaper mishaps. Right, Caroline??

After mowing the lawn, jumping in the shower, and managing to successfully blow-dry my hair (which is quite a feat when you have a perm and you can't find your diffuser), Grace and I joined J in taking her daughter to her indoor soccer game. This was the same daughter who'd just graciously (and for a fee of only $5 -- she didn't ask for money but I thought I owed it to her) watched Grace for an hour so I could mow the lawn. So Grace ended up spending the entire day with her, which didn't bother Grace in the least because she LOVES this girl.

We went to get iced lattes first. J also bought her daughter a fruit smoothie, and we got the barista to make a 24oz smoothie but split it between two 16oz cups so Grace could have some too. Amazingly enough, she ended up giving us two full 16oz cups.

Grace sucked that thing down like it was going out of style! She LOVES smoothies. That's what she gets when she goes over to J's house because I'm just not a smoothie maker. Any time J takes her out, she gets her a smoothie. It's an easy way to keep Grace happy.

By the time we finished our iced lattes and smoothies, it was time to watch J's daughter play soccer. While in there, J's arm started to pain her incredibly, so she decided to take some pain meds. She needed some water, so I bought her a large bottle of water. I also bought Grace one because she was being so fussy, and I figured a bottle of water would entertain her.

It's not hard to entertain her, fortunately.

Grace was thrilled to get her very own water bottle. She would take a sip, and then busy herself with screwing the lid back on. But once the lid was on, she'd want another sip, so she'd unscrew the lid and take a drink. Then she would screw the lid back on. And this went on and on and on and on...

At least she was amused!

After the game, it was decided that a trip to Walmart was in order. So I lifted Grace up into the cart's seat, and the four of us did a bit of shopping.

(And yes, Caroline, I did end up buying Grace that monkey backpack with the monkey blanket. J insisted that Grace needed it. J is a bad influence.)

We were nearly done when all of a sudden there was a massive leak occurring in Grace's vicinity. I thought she'd spilled her water. Unfortunately it wasn't water.

Grace had peed through her diaper.

I had changed her at the indoor soccer field, and for once she was wearing the more expensive diapers!! I knew the smoothie was going to go right through her, and sure enough, when I changed her at the soccer field she was full.

I was so shocked she was that full once more, only about an hour after I'd changed her!

J managed to run down a Walmart employee to assist us with clean-up, and I grabbed some paper towels to try to dry Grace off a bit. Of course, I didn't have any diapers with me; they were in the car! We also snagged the cleaning solution from the Walmart employee to wipe down the cart too, so the next person who got the cart wouldn't be all grossed out.

Grace has never done that before, however. I was just so shocked. But I guess that's what happens when you give a kid a 16oz smoothie quickly followed by a 16oz bottle of water!!!

Lesson learned.

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