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23 April 2007

Grace the fickle pickle
Grace sometimes does not want to sit still and be a guinea pig while I test out new things with my camera. Some days she WANTS me to take photos of her, and she'll even pose for them. Then she'll come over to me and check out the photo on the LCD screen. If it's not quite right, she'll go back to her pose and say, "More pictures!"

Then there are days where she does this:

Grace did NOT want her photo taken!

The funny thing about this photo is as soon as I snapped it, she immediately stopped crying and came over to me to see the photo.

And Kurt calls ME fickle!

I was checking out the exposure compensation because it's been said this particular Nikon tends to overexpose. I set the compensation to the suggested level, but then I needed a guinea pig to see if it was set correctly. That's where Grace was supposed to come in.

Oh well.

Speaking of Grace, yesterday was a gorgeous day, at least intermittently. Some moments the sun would be out and it would be lovely and warm, at least 60�, and then the sun would go behind a cloud and it would get a little chilly. My neighbor R called me to see if I wanted to bring Grace over and play outside, and I set my chair in a sunny part of the yard to get my Vitamin D.

The kids spent at least an hour and a half playing outside, and Grace spent a good chunk of that running around.

But for some reason, I spent the rest of the afternoon thinking I needed to get Grace outside and play every time the sun came back out again. I'm sort of stuck in the mentality that I have to take advantage of every single sunny moment and get her outside. I kept forgetting she'd had a nice long time playing outside with her little friend.

Today is even more gorgeous. When I got up it was a little bit cold and rather foggy, but now it's sunny and 55�. I keep thinking I should take her to a park, but I think if I really want to go outside, we'll just go out in the sideyard. I'm probably going to town tomorrow, so if she needs some park time I can always do it then.

Is it summer yet????

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