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06 March 2007

Too nice a day to stay inside
Shamelessly stolen from my big seeester, Michele:

You are 87% Pisces

How Pisces Are You?

And when you consider I AM a Pisces, it just all sort of falls into place!

Oh my freakin' word, but it is lovely out there today!! When I woke up, the sun was shining right in my eyes. Seattle winters are so long and gloomy that any time you see the sun, it's heaven.

I was awake for about 30 minutes before I decided we had to do something outside. So I called my good friend AS to see if she was planning on taking her little charge to a park somewhere. She said she was just taking out her phone to call me to ask me to meet me at the park!!!

I threw on my capris (and yes, I shaved my legs last night) and a short sleeved shirt, got Grace dressed, and shot out the door. The girls played at the park for almost two hours. They used the swings, they slid down the slides, we went for a walk, they played soccer in the big field... Of course, Grace thought it'd be great fun to slide down the biggest slide of all. It's a curvy slide that has one section which is nearly vertical, so she really goes down fast. She almost landed face-first in the wood chips once, but AS was fleet of foot and saved her.

Finally AS needed to get her little girl home and fed, but I was feeling adventuresome, so I took Grace to Walmart, where we ate lunch at Subway. I then proceeded to buy my husband an entire new wardrobe for the coming winter. They had a rack of clearance shirts that I just couldn't pass up. The shirts are long sleeved with a stripe across the chest, and I know he likes that style. Plus they're a little bit heavy, which he prefers since he rarely wears a jacket. Since it'll be colder in Rhode Island than here anyhow, I figured it would behoove me to get them for Kurt.

Guess how much I paid per shirt?? Go ahead, guess.

Nope!! They were each five whole dollars. Five dollars! Can ya believe it? So I got him four shirts, which will complete his entire wardrobe for the coming winter.

He's going to be irritated I bought him clothes, though. He is one of those guys who would rather wear a shirt till it's ragged and falling off him than to buy a new shirt. And he wears the same five shirts every week, which just hastens their wearing out since those are the only shirts I wash.

Crazy man.

But since I only paid $5 on each one, he should be okay with it. And if he's not, tough. I'm his wife; it's my job to buy him clothes!!

I'm such a mean wife.

After a big shopping spree at Walmart, I then decided I wasn't even going to try putting Grace down for a nap. It was just too nice of a day, and we won't get many of those in a row till at least June. So I gathered up Grace and the dog, and hauled everyone into the side yard to play for another hour or so since it was 70 freakin' degrees!

Grace still loves to play with her lawnmower

Grace still loves her little lawnmower! I have a video from last summer (click here to watch), showing her using the lawnmower. You can see how much she's grown!! Man, time is just flying!

Oh, note to Radiogurl: I took a photo of my ragged Toby-the-Wonderdog-lookalike dog, Koolit, today. He seriously needs a shave, but if you want to see a photo, click here.

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