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05 February 2007

Prescription woes
Last night I tried to refill my prescription for birth control pills (BCP) online. Why do I still take BCP when my husband's out to sea?? Trust me, I am not having sex. But when I was younger I would have debilitating cramps, to the point where I had to spend the entire day in bed. I can't afford to do that now that I have Grace to take care of, so I stay on the pill. I haven't had an unmedicated period since I was 19 because I got pregnant with Grace as soon as I stopped taking the pill, and once I had her, since I couldn't nurse, the doctor put me back on the pill when Grace was 2 weeks old so I wouldn't get pregnant right away.

Navy doctors aren't all that trustful of Navy wives.

The problem with my prescription was it had been written on 31 January 2006, and so it was a week expired. Oh fun. My doctor had written the prescription for the BCP to be filled and then refilled twice, which is 18 months' worth of pills.

I called the OB-GYN clinic today to explain the situation. The nurse I talked to said she'd check with my doctor, but that I should be able to just get that last refill and to call the pharmacy tomorrow to make sure it'd gone through.

I was all hunky-dory with that, and went on with my day.

She called me back about an hour ago to tell me that the doctor doesn't want to write me a new script, and that I would have to come in to see her. Now I don't want to get into my medical problems, but basically she wants me to come in for a full work-up before she gives me a new script. I was trying to avoid that for two reasons: first, because I don't have readily-available childcare (the naval hospital in Virginia has on-site day care! Why don't we??), and second, if it's news that's not so good, I didn't want to find that out until my husband was home to be supportive. Right now I'm sort of out of the loop. Yes, I have the ship's wives' club that is supposed to be my surrogate support network, but living where I live has sort of cut me off from them.

Also when I saw this doctor for the first time, she had told me that she gets frustrated with doctors who make their patients come in for a full work-up just for BCP. But now she's doing it to me.


So I called the OB-GYN clinic, and that was interesting. I gave my full name and the last four of my husband's social security number (EVERYTHING in the Navy is run on your sponsor's last four; if you don't know it, you're screwed). She couldn't find any previous appointments I'd had. Then she asked me for Kurt's full social, and of course I rattled that off. She still couldn't find anything. She tried looking for my record in general and couldn't find it. Apparently I have been lost in the system. I find that strange because I have gone to the OB-GYN clinic since I found out I was pregnant with Grace. I couldn't see a civilian OB when I was pregnant because the hospital here no longer takes Navy insurance, and a doctor isn't going to see you when he's not going to be available for the birth. Once I had Grace and we figured out some of my health issues, I continued to be seen at OB-GYN. For them to not be able to find my record is odd.

I also explained that the only childcare I have is only available on Tuesday afternoons. Unfortunately the clerk had no appointments available on Tuesday afternoons, so I made an appointment for a Friday afternoon with a different doctor, hoping that J could still watch Grace. Then the clerk did something awesome -- she switched one of my doctor's appointments on a Tuesday afternoon from the routine to what I needed done. Now she has some explaining to do with my doctor, but she said she didn't think my doctor would mind.

What it all boils down to is that I do indeed have a full work-up scheduled for next Tuesday, and I ought to be able to get my BCP at the same time. It's just frustrating how I had to go about it, though, considering that if I had realized that my script was about to expire last week, I could have refilled it and life would have been grand. I would just have postponed my work-up till June.

At least I don't have to go in on my birthday, since my birthday is on a Tuesday this year. Oh yeah... I really want to go into the doctor's office and have to "spread 'em" for my doctor on my birthday!! It would be a memorable birthday, that's for sure!

It's also weird to think that I just need three months' worth of BCP anyhow. Once Kurt gets home we'll probably start trying for another child, and BCP sort of interferes with that. I'm just so used to taking it that it's weird to think I won't need it in just a few months.


More than you wanted to know about my sex life, I am sure.

How 'bout dem Colts??? YAY! I was so excited when they won last night, although I felt the last quarter was a bit anti-climactic. I didn't even really pay attention after the third quarter; how sad is that? I'd been glued to the tv beforehand, what with all those turnovers. The first half was good!! And I did enjoy Prince's halftime show. Like Miss Poolie the Pie-Rat, I was a bit befuddled by the do-rag, especially after he whipped it off near the end. But then Prince does what he likes. What other man performs wearing high-heel stiletto boots??

YAY Colts!

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