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27 January 2007

Best laid plans...
The best laid plans of mice and men...

I had planned to stay home today and just enjoy myself. I've had a busy couple of weeks, and since I am usually such a homebody, that sort of takes its toll on me. I like to stay home and not do much of anything.

It was too nice of a day to stay inside, however. It was yet ANOTHER gorgeous, sunny, and relatively warm day. I figured it was just the right time to go for a walk, since I also wanted to take photos of the several plots being cleared and built upon in my neighborhood.

As soon as we got to the end of the driveway, the little girl who lives across the street wanted to go with us, which turned out quite well. She informed me along the way that many, many years ago this area was covered by ice, and that dinosaurs had lived here, and that Jesus was born a really long time ago. On the way home, we passed her friend's home, and the kids were all outside playing. She wanted to stay there, but I convinced her to walk back home (it's only four houses up the street) to ask her mom first.

We finished with our walk around noon. I went with her to drop her off at her mom's house so that I knew that they knew that she wanted to go back to her friend's house. I didn't want her to get lost in the shuffle, as it were. Then her mom invited me in to have a cup of coffee.

I just got home about 45 minutes ago.

What can I say?? The coffee was good! Especially since it had a dollop of Kahlua in it. *wink*

Grace enjoyed herself thoroughly at our neighbor's today. For one thing, as soon as the little girl got back from her friend's house (she was only there an hour), she had a ball playing with Grace. Most of the time, this little girl is the littlest, and she gets frustrated being bossed around all the time. With Grace, she has someone littler than her to boss around! Of course, Grace doesn't mind. She pretty much idolizes kids that are bigger than she is.

I spent the afternoon in heaven. I was having adult conversation about all kinds of things with another adult. Grace was happy and quiet playing with the little girl, and I didn't really have to do anything for her. For once, she wasn't stuck a million miles up my butt like she normally is! It was so nice.

I also managed to score several remnants of cloth and a cross-stitch book from my neighbor. YAY! She hangs on to a lot of things because she feels she can't throw them away and they're too special to give to Goodwill. But if she finds someone who will appreciate them, like me, then she's more than willing to give them to this person.

In this cross-stitch book she gave me is the absolutely perfect sampler that will match her decor, so I will have to do that as a thank-you. Rather appropriate, don't ya think??

Regarding Grace's art teacher: the indubitable Miss Hiss brings up an awesome point, that kids at this age are pretty much sponges who absorb a whole ton of information. I know this; I don't know why I didn't think of it in relation to what her art teacher was saying. I'll have to keep that in mind!! So thank you, Miss Hiss. ;o)

I don't talk to Grace in baby talk, for the record, and never have. There are those who think it can be good for a kid because hearing drawn-out vowels in high-pitched voices is easier on an infant than talking to them in adult tones. But then it also doesn't hurt to talk to a child in more sophisticated language. I also always ask Grace "please" and say "thank you" to her, and even "excuse me" when I bump in to her because if a stranger deserves that sort of respect, doesn't my own child? As a result, Grace is pretty good about saying "please" and "thank you" also.

It's not that I object to Grace's art teacher NOT using baby talk. It's more than I wonder if she realizes that her audience probably doesn't understand the concepts she's trying to put across. There are other factors; she just doesn't seem to be the type of person to even tolerate small children well. We will still attend her class because I think it's very good for Grace to be exposed to this sort of a setting in such a small dose, but I will not be nominating her teacher for any kind of award any time soon either.

And speaking of Grace, it's nearly time for me to get her ready for bed.

"Say goodnight, Gracie."

"Goodnight, Gracie."

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