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25 January 2007

A nice and clean bathroom
My good friend David got a 100% on that Bible quiz. So either Catholics are smarter than the rest of us, or he cheated.

Take your pick. ;o)

How do you know when it's time to clean the bathroom? I know it sounds gross, but here in our neighborhood, we know it's time to clean the bathroom when we can't stand the lines in the toilet anymore.

See, we're on a community well here. Our water isn't treated with anything (no chlorine, no fluoride, nothing); the way it comes out of the taps is the way it comes out of the ground. The problem with that is stuff grows in the water when left alone long enough. Every so often you've got to take the aerator off your faucets to clean out the black gunk that's built up inside. That same black gunk builds up around drains and on the walls of the toilet bowl.

That probably says that I don't clean my bathroom often enough, if it's got time to build up like that.

But you know, cleaning a bathroom is not top on my priority. It's just me and Grace here; we don't have any men here to mess up a clean bathroom. It takes a while to get dirty.

When I was in college, I lived in a suite -- two bedrooms, each with access to the main hall, connected by a bathroom. That was heavenly; I never had to deal with one bathroom for an entire hall of girls. My last year in college, my roommate and I were good about cleaning the bathroom. In fact, I could always tell when my roommate was cleaning the bathroom because I could smell the bleach as I came down the hall! She liked a germ-free bathroom. My suitemates, on the other hand, had never had to clean bathrooms before and it grossed them out. Fortunately they were clean people, so cleaning the bathroom was never a hard chore.

Besides, it only takes me about ten minutes to clean a bathroom. It comes from having two bathrooms to clean each week. When I was in high school, I had to clean the bathroom I shared with my brother AND the half-bathroom just off the kitchen, along with all of my other chores, before I could go anywhere on the weekends. I got really good at doing it quickly!

The shocking news of the day is Miss Grace has finally deigned to oblige me in taking a nap! She woke up extremely grumpy today. I could hear her crying in a whiny way before I got up even without the baby monitor on. Then when I went in to her room, instead of being cheerful and happy, saying "HI FISH!" like she does every morning, she wanted me to pick her up, and she clung to me. I couldn't even put her down to change her diaper! Then we went to Cabin Fever today to let her run amok, and I know that wore her out. Her favorite thing to do today was to climb up on these big thick mats, the top of which was probably three feet in the air, and jump off.

My daughter is totally fearless.

I am loving this quiet time, even though I would like to go to the post office. That can always wait till tomorrow.

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