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02 January 2007

The Navy way
I know I just posted, but I just got this from Kurt in an email, and I had to share. Poor guy. He can't get anything done because things change so rapidly!!!

This is what he wrote:

"So that�s my day, besides everything in our plans getting changed about 10 times. I can�t wait to tell you the things that go on around here. You would get so mad being on here; I know you don�t like last minute changes. Try this in comparison: you plan to go to Target, then eat lunch, then go to the park with Grace. Then you come home, clean the house, then chill on the computer (talking to me). But as you are about to leave for Target, something keeps you at the house, so you try to clean the house but can't. The park was closed anyway because you looked on the computer waiting to leave for Target, so you cancel the park. You don�t get to talk to me, then you find another park in the opposite direction of Target but closer to the house. So you choose to go to the park, only to find the road to the park is closed and you turn around and go to Target, never eat lunch but get dinner to go, come home to clean the house, but never get to talk to me and you forgot something at Target, the car broke when you got home and you need to go back to Target to replace the part! That�s about the hour to hour routine around here. "

That's the Navy way!

Christmas is all gone!!

It's quite sad, really. My house looks so bare without all the Christmas decorations out. The tree is gone from the corner of the living room, the fabric Advent calender my parents gave Grace last year is off the wall, I took the Christmas lights down from the house... The only remnants left of Christmas are the gold bow on my front door (it looks so pretty there I don't have the heart to take it down), and the Christmas cards I tacked up on the doors of my china closet.


It didn't take long to do. I'm not very gentle with my ornaments, mainly because they're really old anyhow and quite durable. I usually chuck them in a large gift bag, all willy-nilly. I have a couple of Lenox ornaments that go back into their boxes, and the ones I have cross-stitched go into a ziploc bag to protect them, but otherwise they get chucked. The tree comes down quickly since it's a cheap fake tree, and then everything, and I mean everything gets shoved into the tree box. I'm surprised more things haven't broken!

I can no longer put glass balls on my Christmas tree. For one thing, my cats would knock them down and they'd shatter on the brick hearth. Second, shattered glass balls aren't really a good idea around toddlers. Two years ago, I had a fair number of glass balls on the tree, and at least half of them were shattered by the time we returned from Tucson. Damn cats.

My Christmas cactus hasn't bloomed. But then I've been really bad about watering it too. Usually it blooms right on time, but this year it's not cooperating.

So now Christmas is officially over.

It's not too sad because the best month of the year is coming up! I love February. I love that it's unique, that there are only 28 days. I love Valentine's Day because it's so cheesy (I may even get cheesy little kids' valentines and send them out), and I love that my birthday is a week later. I love that Kurt's birthday is two weeks after mine (yes, it's in March, but close enough).

And there is a possibility that I could see Kurt in March. If I want to fly to Florida, that is... We'll see about that.

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