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12 December 2006

I need me some Edward Gorey

What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?

You will be smothered under a rug. You're a little anti-social, and may want to start gaining new social skills by making prank phone calls.
Take this quiz!

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Wow, that's a LOT of code for a quiz result! But hey, I love Edward Gorey. I really need to find this book. I must add it to my collection!

My daughter is soooooooo smart!! Of course, every mother thinks their kid is a genius, and I am not immune. So your kid is probably just as brilliant as mine!

Anyhoo, yesterday I was putting Grace's clothes away (which takes forever to do, since the clothes are so teeny tiny), and Gracie picked up this rubber ducky I had bought at Babies R Us. It's a pink one, and supports Breast Cancer Awareness. I am a sucker for all things that are Breast Cancer Awareness. I even have a watch that is Breast Cancer Awareness.

Gracie picked up this ducky, and it's wearing a white baseball cap. I asked her, "What's this?" and she looked at me like I'd asked her to compute the integral of some complex equation. So I told her, "It's a hat. A hat." She repeated "Hat!" quite joyfully, and then ran out of the room.

A few moments she returned with another little toy in her hand, one of a little boy wearing a baseball cap. She showed it to me and said with pride, "Hat!!!"

What a brilliant little kid!!!

I have received my Christmas cards, and am sending them out! If you want one, please either let me know in the comments (if I have your address already), or hit the Mail link to the left and give me your particulars! I even have 80� stamps for my foreign friends. Come on, you know you want one of the cutest Christmas cards ever printed for mass consumption, featuring the most brilliant baby ever!!

Stay dry!! (It's been raining sideways here.)

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