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27 April 2006

Too big or just right
One day I was watching QVC, and I saw a LOVELY ring set made of Diamonique, their brand of simulated diamonds. Now I love my original wedding set, but I wanted something a bit more dressy just for special occasions.

Kurt decided to surprise me and he ordered it for me without my knowledge!

My husband loves me... ;o)

See, my engagement ring is real diamond, and it was given to us by Kurt's parents when he told them he wanted to ask me to marry him. My wedding ring I picked out at Kay's Jewelers, and my only issues with it is it's too small for my pudgy fingers and the diamonds have loads of flaws in them.

This is my original set:

Pardon the blurriness; it's hard to take a close-up of jewelry while you're wearing it. Oh, and don't mind the fingernails. I told you I was stressed.

Now this is the set Kurt just bought me... and I am not sure if it's way too big or what.

Decisions, decisions!

Grace's favorite thing to watch every morning is The Price is Right. She gets all excited when the music starts up and you see the crowd screaming. It cracks me up.

So today we were watching The Price is Right, and I was actually paying attention to it since my husband hasn't been home and therefore not able to put my newspaper on the front porch for me to retrieve while still in my nightgown (how's THAT for a run-on sentence?!). Without a newspaper to read, TPIR had my full attention.

One lady this morning was playing the game where you choose various numbers, and whatever price you fill in first (whether it's the price of the car, the other cool prize, or an amount less than $10), that's what you win. She was looking out into the audience to get some help, when I saw him.

I swear to gawd I saw my ex-boyfriend Scott in the audience.

Same face, same goatee, same haircut, same EVERYTHING.

Now it would be odd if Scott looked exactly the same as he did nearly 10 years ago, which is the last time I saw him (good lord where does the time go???), but if it wasn't him then it was his doppelganger. And what was he doing on TPIR anyhow??

I know his parents still live in the house they had when we were in high school because I just recently went onto and checked. Amazingly enough, I still remember his phone number. Of course, that could be because I called him every day, sometimes several times a day, for three or four years...


I'm all a-twitter now.

Things didn't end well with Scott, and it was completely, totally, and absolutely not his fault. And I feel really badly about what I did, and how I handled that situation. I really did break his heart. I just didn't realize how damaging my actions were at the time. I was just 19 anyhow, and we all do dumb things when we're 19. Right???

On days when I'm feeling kind of down on myself, all I have to do is remember the situation with Scott to remind myself that I do sort of have an evil streak, and then I resolve all the more firmly to keep it hidden. Ignorance is no excuse for bad behavior.

And in case he does stumble across this page somewhere in the future, I am sorry. Truly and deeply sorry. I had no idea the ramifications of my actions, and I never meant to hurt you. You did nothing wrong; you were nothing but kindness, love, and caring to me. There is no excuse for what I did.

And that's about all I have to say about that.

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