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23 November 2005

Turkey Day menu
Last Thanksgiving, my in-laws came to visit us here in Washington because Gracie was a newborn, and they wanted to see her.

Kurt was really excited because he would have the opportunity to cook Thanksgiving dinner, whcih he's wanted to do ever since he moved out on his own.

However, my mother-in-law nixed that idea by saying quite vehemently that no one is cooking, least of all him, and the easiest thing to do would be to get a pre-cooked meal from a local grocery store.

This year my mother-in-law asked me what we were planning on doing for Thanksgiving, and I told her Kurt was cooking and was really stoked about doing it. She replied, "He could have done it last year while we were there; I wonder why he didn't?"

I told Kurt what she said later. His response?? "I'm gonna kick her ass!!!!!!"

Poor Kurt.

Which brings us to the Thanksgiving Day menu. Talk about yummy!!!!

1. Roasted turkey breast (neither of us like dark meat, although Kurt likes hot wings)

2. Mashed potatoes

3. Gravy (from a can; I am lazy)

4. Succotash (for those not aware, it is a mixture of corn and lima beans. And on my plate, the succotash will pose no threat to the sanctity of my mashed potatoes, for I shall put the succotash on the other side of the plate, so that ne'er the twain shall meet!)

5. Cranberry-orange sauce from the deli (no canned stuff for us!)

6. Zucchini (gotta have some green)

7. Egglant, mushroom, and rice side dish that is absolutely phenomenal and for which my mouth is already watering

8. Stuffing, not homemade :o(

9. Whole-wheat dinner rolls

And yes, the menu is heavy on the carbs, but hey, you only live once!!!!

Notice there is no dessert on the menu. Kurt and I are not pie fans, although if a few slices of pie manage to wander over here from my neighbor's house, I will not turn it down. But we don't like it enough to go through the hardship of making a pie. Plus neither of us like pumpkin pie, for which I have been called a communist already once today.

I will attempt to snap photos to post to Flickr tomorrow.

Have a happy Turkey Day and don't get stuffed!!!

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