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22 November 2005

Cuddling with Kurt cuz I CAN
Hey, ya!! How have ya been?!


Yeah, I know the feeling.

Lately Kurt and I have been either busting our buns trying to get stuff done around the house, or simply lounging around the house enjoying each other's company. It's so nice to have another adult human in the house to talk to; telling Gracie a joke or kvetching about the state of the world just doesn't cut it. She generally just stares at me, dumbfounded.

However, there are those that think that really all I am here for is to entertain them via the Internet, and that boggles the mind. Completely. Especially considering that I have "known" these people only a short time.

(Don't worry... if you are reading this, I am not talking about you. Y'all I like. *wink*)

Two folks on Pogo come to mind immediately, and granted while I consider myself to be fairly good friends with them both, I still think it's more appropriate for me to be spending time with my husband. You know, that guy I promised myself to about four years ago. Otherwise known as my "other half" and/or "soulmate." Yeah... him. Wayyyyyy more important than anyone else (sorry, Chele).

However, these two folks apparently think I ought to put them first. One, a gent, always asks me, "Don't you ever miss me??" Why, of course I do. But I suppose that since I am not on the internet entertaining him, I must not miss him enough.

Plus this person has decided that he has fallen in love with another Pogo-ite that he has met in real life, which I have no problems with except that she is married.

I dunno, call me old-fashioned, but I really think infidelity is a bad thing. I figure, if you're that unhappy in your marriage that you have to look outside of the marriage, then your best bet is to get out of the marriage. THEN you can find another person to love and be with. Not before.

So when I do talk to this friend o' mine, most of the time he spends going on and on about what this woman said, and how she said it, and what she was doing while she said it, and he's trying to ask me for an interpretation of her actions as to whether she wants him or not. Unfortunately, most of the time I think more like a guy than like a girl, so I am just as confused by females as men are.

But at any rate, I don't particularly care because she's married and I don't particularly approve.

The other Pogo-ite that seemingly demands my attention has simply refused to log on and is therefore incommunicado. Since she used to be online every night for quite a while, this is highly unusual. I don't know if she's giving me the cold shoulder or what (see above re: not understanding females).

I just can't fathom why these people don't get WHY I'm not on the internet. Neither of these people are married or in a relationship, so I suppose they don't realize the demands that a family and spouse puts on a person.

At the same time, Kurt's been gone for six months!! I mean, really!! Let's think about this for a moment, shall we?? Hmmm, talk to internet friends on the computer, or cuddle with husband on the couch, luxuriating in the fact that I CAN cuddle with him and feel his warmth and inhale his aroma???

What a hard choice.


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