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31 May 2005

Stress for no reason
See, I stress for NOTHING!!! Nothing, I tell ya!!!

I went to, had some minor concerns when I started getting the IE "page cannot be displayed" error -- because even though I am running Netscape, it displays things like IE. So all I had to do was change it to display like Firefox, but it caused some worry at first that I wouldn't be able to print my boarding passes.

Then I got to the place where I could upgrade or change seats. Upgrades weren't available, which bothers me not at all. Never flown first class, and I really doubt I ever will. I tried changing my seat, but none were available. So I don't have to worry about checking in anymore!! Those seats are MINE!! Bwahahahahaha!!!

When we flew to Tucson for Christmas on Alaska Airlines, we had booked through (like my stepmom had for my trip to DC) and had selected seats ahead of time. But I found out as we printed boarding passes before the flight that those seats that we had chosen as we bought the tickets didn't mean anything. We ended up with different seats. It mattered on the return flight, however, because all the seats were taken by the time I printed off the boarding pass (four hours before the plane left). That left Kurt and me in different rows, and a two-month-old infant to care for. Fortunately he was right in front of me, so if I had had to pass her to him, that would have been easy. Somehow he managed to change her diaper in the airplane restroom; I still am amazed by that. :o)

Update on the packing -- I am now 90% finished, including Grace's clothes. I did a raid on her closet as she slept. Now I have to fold the clothes she's not taking and put my own clothes away. Fun stuff.

Wish me luck flying tomorrow!! :o)

Ugh. Stress. Just kill me now already.

I don't know why I am making such a big deal out of this, aside from the fact that I always make a big deal out of travel. I'm constantly worrying that I'll need something that I didn't bring or I'll forget something. It's not that big of a deal -- I'm going to northern Virginia, for Pete's sake. It's not like I'm going to a third-world country. If I forget something, I can just buy a new one in Virginia.

I have one hour and twenty minutes before I can print out my boarding passes for Grace and me. I am definitely watching the clock tick down. See, for some airlines, when you book passage on the plane, you are assigned a seat. However, this isn't necessarily the seat you'll get when you check in at the airport. My flight info says I have seats 26A and B, which are just fine with me (as long as I'm sitting next to Grace, I don't care where in the plane I sit). I'm nervous that my airline is one of those that doesn't keep the assigned seat you were given when you bought the ticket. So I'm anxiously awaiting the beginning of the 24-hour window in which I can check in on the internet. This way I am guaranteed two seats together.

And I really shouldn't stress about that either because the airline will move people around to accomodate me and my infant. It's not like the airline's going to say, "Sorry, Mrs [last name], you cannot sit next to your eight-month-old infant. We can't move people around." How unlikely is that?! They will move people so I can take care of my baby.

I've been packing for the last hour or so. It's taken me this long only because I'm taking my time with it. I'm not running around because that will just increase my stress level. I'm just slowly getting stuff together. I am doing two loads of laundry, one of which will not be dry by the time I go to bed, but it will be in the morning and I can pack the two pairs of shorts in that load tomorrow. I don't even leave the house until 4pm or thereabouts, so I have plenty of time to finish things up tomorrow. I just want to have left already so that I don't have to go through this pre-flight stress. Once I walk out the door, it's too late to go back and grab something, so I just deal with it.

I'm also consciously trying not to overpack. I have been known to do this on nearly every trip I've ever taken, save perhaps my month-long trip to Kenya in 1996. I know I am packing too many pairs of shorts, but oh well. I like variety. For once I am not packing ninety thousand t-shirts. This time I have shown restraint. I am pleased with myself. :o) I am taking three pairs of shoes, which are one pair of dress shoes for my cousin's bat mitzvah (fun fun), one pair of Nike kids' sandals, and I will wear my fancy flip-flops from Mervyn's that will also serve as my dress shoes for church. I can't believe I am getting away with so few pairs of shoes. I'd take my Birks too, but I don't think I have the room for them. Besides, they stink. I don't want them stinking up my clothes.

I am also only taking four books with me. That should be plenty for three weeks, and besides -- I can always check out a book from the library if I get desperate. For once I am not taking any stitching; I don't think I have the room. I haven't had much of an inclination to stitch lately anyhow.

I've made a list of what I am going to take, and if you ignore Grace's clothes (which are hard to pack while she's asleep), I am about 75% packed already.

Wish me luck with the rest of it!!!

Did I mention I still have to balance the checkbook?! Oh joy of joys!

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