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These are a few of my favorite things...
For those of you who've been wondering what in the world that little blue guy is on the bottom right of this page, that's BlueSleepy. I can't remember if it was my roomie or me who found him while searching for a good buddy icon for AIM, but when he was found I HAD to have him. Since then, BlueSleepy has been used as a pseudonym for all sorts of things. He's just so cute! I mentioned how much I love to sleep... and blue is my favorite color. Therefore... BlueSleepy!!!

I've noticed something sad lately. I've been around a lot more people in public recently, and I just like to walk around looking at everything and everyone. But sometimes I catch someone's eye, and since I don't want to seem rude, I smile at them just to be friendly. The thing I've noticed is fewer people these days smile back. And usually it's the older people I see that don't smile, those who probably have young grandchildren, and those who you figure have the most manners. Maybe I am being rude by staring, but I don't think I am. I just like to share my happiness with the world by smiling, and I don't understand why people don't smile back. One lady I passed just stared at me in a rather hostile way as we walked by one another. It's sad...

Today I was SO productive, and I felt so good about it! I got my teeth cleaned at the dentist's (no cavities... again! WOO HOO!!), went to the eye doctor and made sure my prescription hadn't changed, got some smoke bombs for my dad to try to drive out the animals living under our house, and ran to Walmart for various things I needed. All that before 1pm -- I had to be at the dentist's at 9:30am. Usually I sleep in till at least 11am on my days off, so I feel very productive. I wish I'd had more sleep, though! :o)

I just picked up the Apothecary catalog for the Vermont Country Store. Aside from Cosmo (which I did buy this month, but there's nothing too interesting in it) and Newsweek, this is my favorite magazine. I like it because it has all these drugstore products that are aimed more towards the baby-boomer generation, and the generation before that. The catalog itself is printed on recycled newspaper -- no new-fangled, glossy ads for these people. But it's good. There are an amazing number of products sold by this catalog that have been around for a LONG time, and I like to see what people used to use a while ago, before the time of huge discount drugstores. The products in this catalog are somewhat pricey, but you know you're paying for the quality... I just can't wait till I can afford some of this stuff. Also I don't really need some of it yet... like I said, it's aimed towards generations older than me, and I don't really need brown spot remover for my hands and face. :o)

Enough of my rambling...... enjoy life, people! :o)

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