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BlueSleepy wins the lottery!!
Lady Luck has finally smiled upon me. Right now, I don't even care that I have never won a round of Bingo in my entire 21 years of existence on this planet, because tonight I have lucked out!! ME!! Of all people!!!

Let me start with this: last night Dad gave me a sleeping pill to take before bed because I haven't been able to get to sleep. When I woke up this morning, my arms felt like they hadn't been moved the whole night -- and I felt so yucky. So I just KNEW today would be an awful day. Especially when I was almost late for work because I stopped to have breakfast.

But it was a GOOD day! Farouq, the guy who'd been training me at work, seemed a little put out with me, so I just talked to Enzo. He's a cool guy. Well, apparently they're having a barbeque next Saturday, and he invited me to it, which made my day.

But wait! There's more!! Yes, friends, more good news! I was eating my lunch peacefully at Roy Rogers (I have a weakness for Gold Rush sandwiches -- YUM!), and I smiled at this guy who was sitting across from me because I didn't want him to think I was staring at him rudely. Later he followed me out to my car (he was parked right next to me), and he asked me my name. I told him my first name, and he said, "You're very beautiful." A RANDOM GUY OUT OF NOWHERE TELLS ME THIS! Talk about an ego-booster....

Then I get back to work, and Pops starts grilling me on why Shervan and I broke up again. The truth -- we had different expectations on a relationship. Pops has always been my guardian angel at the store, a sort of older gent to take care of me. So Pops says, "Man, that guy has NO idea what he let get away from him!!" And he followed that up with "If I was just ten or fifteen years younger..." Another ego-booster!

Not to mention people complimenting me on my hair all day. They love the color of it -- it was called "fiery red" today. Excellent!

So at work I kind of annoyed everyone by being extremely chipper. I was smiling from ear to ear at everyone, even people I don't really know at the store because I was just so happy to be alive today.

And what made it even better?! THE POWER WENT OUT! At 5pm or a little afterward, half our power went out in the store, and throughout the entire plaza. Most of the terminals went out, so I had little to do. I couldn't stand to be up front because all the backups were beeping, and it was giving me a massive headache. So I sat in the back with the technicians and talked to my supervisor for a while. Finally, the higher-ups made the decision to close the store a little after 6pm (the power company didn't think they could get the problem fixed before the store closed for the night), after I'd been sent up to count out my till since my shift ended at 6:30pm anyhow. I left... but when I was talking to someone outside I remembered I'd forgotten to sign out. When I went back in the store to clock out, I saw the power had come back on. Everyone who'd been told to go home early actually had to work their full shift!

And I'm not trying to sound like I'm happy someone got screwed like that, but usually it's ME who gets screwed -- especially at the store. Like the last time I was there, the operations manager went on a cleaning kick, and he always gave me the most heinous jobs, like vacuuming the software department while the software associates stood around and did nothing.

I'm just amazed that for once I am not the one getting screwed!!!

You know what I caught a scent of on the way home? Honeysuckle. There is NO better scent than honeysuckle. There used to be a bush of honeysuckle right outside my house when I was a small girl, and my sister and I would always go over and try to suck the nectar out of the blossoms. I never tasted anything, but it was fun anyhow. And it smelled so good!!! The best smell of the summertime....

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