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26 February 2007

Staying out of trouble... or trying to...
Actually I found the whole "creamer on the floor" situation rather amusing. As I was crawling into bed last night, I realized there was a fair amount of dried creamer on my nightgown. Fortunately it's of a black watch plaid print, so it's very difficult to see.

It's actually my mom's nightgown with matching robe that she sent me when I asked if she had any nighties laying around the house. I'm sure there are Christmas morning photos of her from 20 years ago wearing this same nightie and robe set. But hey, it's warm, and it's comfy!!

Can't ask for any more.

Today was the run-to-Costco day. YAY! I love Costco. Yes, I am rather pathetic. But I'd gotten all these coupons in a flier mailed to me, and shockingly enough most of them were for things I needed. I was also very well-behaved and did not buy much beyond what was on my list. I couldn't resist the big-daddy container of feta cheese, though. Mmmm... and the big-daddy container of spring greens salad too. Grace and I have been devouring salads lately. She even eats her spinach, feta, and tomato salad with balsamic vinaigrette before she eats the rest of her meal!

Salad before soup?

She loves cherry tomatoes because they explode in her mouth. I attempted to bite into a tomato one evening at dinner and ended up shooting tomato guts all over the far wall in my kitchen. Now that was funny!!

I swear, this child is going to eat me out of house and home. This morning she ate three bowls of Cheerios for breakfast. She wanted a fourth, but I put my foot down.

After Costco, of course there was time to make a run to Target. I've actually gotten much better about going to Target every other day. Part of it is because there is a Walmart much closer to the house, but since the quality of Walmart stuff is not as high as I'd like, it keeps me from buying too much random crap. But today I did find two elastic belts that close with D-rings, like we had back in the 80s. Now tell me, how could I have possibly have passed those up???

I tried both of the belts on in the store over my jeans, and decided on a Large for the thinner belt and an XL for the thicker one. I put on the thinner belt when I got home, and surprisingly it's almost too large. *sigh* There's something weird going on when a Large belt is too large for a size-16 girl.

Then again I'm a size 16 because of my ginormous tushie and thighs. My waist is probably at least a 14.

The trials and tribulations of being a woman.

OH! But I loooooove being a woman. I checked out the makeup at Target, even though I tend to stick with my Bare Escentuals just because I'm snooty that way. They had a ton of lipsticks on clearance, and how can you pass up an $8 tube of lipstick that was marked down to $2?? You can't. It's just not possible. Plus it's an absolutely gorgeous color on me, so I'm totally stoked about it.

Another thing I am totally stoked about?? My best friend Caroline, who is pregger with her third child because she sat too close to her husband again (she's quite the fertile girl, let me tell you), sent me a box with birthday presents inside!! You know why Caroline is my best friend? Aside from the fact that we've been friends since we were 13 and she now knows far too much about me... she indulges my addictions! She sent two books! She sent eyeliner!! How cool a friend is that???

I feel so loved.

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