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22 February 2007

Helmet head
Note to self: Our resident spinner of wild tales, Miss Hiss, is also meatless. The sad part is I knew that already; I just forgot.

Isn't it funny that as I type this entry, the banner at the top is for Miss Hiss's diary?? Apparently nature makes her angry, or so says this banner. I thought nature made her horny, seeing as her life seems to be one large bonk-fest in the Australian outback.

I love Miss Hiss. She totally cracks me up.

Anyhoo, today was Cabin Fever. My friend AS comes late now, as she takes her little girl to gym class before she comes to Cabin Fever. It's nice, in a way, because then I get a chance to talk to the other moms there. There's one little boy there named Charlie, and I just love that name. I'm pondering whether I should name any potential sons Charles Ernest, both of which are family names, Charles from my in-laws and Ernest from my mom's family. And no, Michele, you cannot steal "Charles." I have first dibs!!

But then I'm not having sons anyhow. AS informed me that sailors who have any kind of job regarding electricity can only sire daughters anyhow. This is good for me. Boys are just too rambunctious. I'll stick with my tomboy of a daughter and consider myself lucky.

I went to the bakery for lunch today -- grilled pastrami with swiss on rye. Mmmm. I'm only occasionally meatless. I'm one of those folks who doesn't have to have meat, but I can't give it up completely.

The other funny thing is I like tofu. Even in a stir-fry, when you can taste it and see it. Tofu is good! Yet my extraordinarily meatless sister doesn't like tofu. That amuses me.

I was also supposed to get split pea soup with ham as my side to my grilled pastrami, but they messed up my order and gave me cream of chicken with wild rice instead. Usually I wouldn't have said anything because I love their cream of chicken soup, but the cashier had told me the split pea soup was really good today. Instead of making me give back the bowl of cream of chicken soup, they just gave me a bowl of split pea too. SCORE!!!

I didn't eat much of my soup, alas. The owner of the bakery came over to say hi to Grace (I swear, anyone over the age of about 45 considers Grace to be her honorary grandchild), and we ended up talking about hair. The owner's hair was looking fantastic today, lots of different colors in her hair, but it looked really good. She told me she'd been a hairdresser before they bought the bakery, and then we got to chatting about styling products. I have an entire cupboard full of styling products in my bathroom. It's sick.

What I have found works the absolute best the way my hair is right now is Nick Chavez leave-in thickening creme. My sister used to get the Nick Chavez kits online all the time (I don't know if she still does), but she wouldn't use the creme. So she'd send it to me. I have two bottles at the moment, both nearly full. But only one actually works. I think the other is just too old. I have to chuck the bottle of the stuff that doesn't work because I keep getting them mixed up. Today my hair was scarily flat because I forgot to use the right bottle of creme. Silly me.

The bakery owner told me that she has baby fine, thin hair, and not a lot of it either, yet it looks like she has a whole large mass of hair (in a good way). I asked her how she got her hair to look so full and thick. Her answer: backcombing. Or, as we 80s children called it, teasing the hair.

I never did learn how to backcomb. I grew up with girls whose bangs launched their way heavenward about six inches from the forehead, but I just never figured that one out. I am so incompetent when it comes to styling my hair it's not even funny. This is why I just perm my hair. You wet it, throw some gel in it, wait till it air-dries, run your hands through it once it's dry to prevent that crunchy look, and spray with hairspray. End of story.

Today I finally found someone like me, though. The bakery owner and I are both guilty of what my sister likes to call "helmet head." This is when you use so much hairspray that your hair barely moves in hurricane-force gales. Everyone teases me as to how much I use, thinking that there is no way I need all of that hairspray. But I do!! Without a head full of hairspray my hair goes flat after about 10 minutes. And now I found someone who has the same problem. I'm no longer alone!

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