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21 February 2007

Thanks for the birthday wishes
Thanks for all the birthday wishes!! My favorite was Art's comment: "happy birthday to you! have you been to the zoo? you look absoultley faboo, happy birthday to youuuuuuu!!" That was just too funny!!!

One bad thing about living on the West Coast is everyone calls me at inconvenient times. My uncle called me yesterday to wish me a happy birthday, which I thought was quite kind of him, but it was right when I was trying to eat my dinner. And I'd made homemade baked mac n' cheese, which turned out spectacularly, considering it was a new recipe.

It even had tofu in it!!!

Before you say, "ewwwwwwwwww gross," it was really quite good. You take silken tofu, add some sharp cheddar, milk, and yogurt, along with spices, whirl it all up in a blender, and that makes your cheese sauce. It's way better for you than a traditional white sauce, and has all of the taste and texture of a high-fat sauce without the fat. And boy, was it good!!!

My meatless friends (Poola, Boxx, and Michele) would approve. Although Michele doesn't do dairy, so she couldn't eat my mac n' cheese. No worries -- all the more for me!!!

I got off the phone rather precipitously with my uncle because Call Waiting beeped through. It was my mom. YAY! My mom loves me, what can I say?? Of course, I had to talk to her for about forty-five minutes.

At this point, I've sort of scarfed down some of my homemade mac n' cheese, but it's Grace's bedtime and she hasn't had a shower in a couple of days. I could get off the phone with my mom, but I don't talk to her but maybe once a week, and I like to take the advantage when she calls me because that way I know she's got the time to talk to me.

I ended up not getting off the phone with her until almost 9pm, and by then it was just too late to contemplate giving Grace a shower. So Grace went to bed unshowered... AGAIN.

She's definitely getting one tonight!!!

I have gotten a few more emails from my husband today, although the system has been slow again. I just got several emails from him that he'd written this afternoon, and it's almost the middle of the night in his time zone. It's better than no email at all, that's for sure!!!

But I was very, very naughty. This is one of the emails I got from him today:

Believe it or not I just got your letter from 28 January with Grace's letter with her hand print in it. ARE YOU CRAZY?!! you know I'm in the mess when I open this! What are you trying to do, make me cry in front of every one? it is currently hanging in my rack. I will give her a high 5 every night before bed. That is a great idea THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!! Made my day.

He knows better than to open his mail in the mess in front of everyone. I've told him before to go to the Chiefs' head (aka, bathroom) before he opens anything from me. Silly man.

And on that note, I'm off to get a baby as clean as she can be!!

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