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30 January 2007

I have reached the end of the internet
Have you ever felt like you've reached the end of the internet??

I think I have.

I do love the internet. I love the fact that communication with people is so easy and cheap -- you can't get better than free! I love having things to entertain me like Pogo. I love learning new things from Wikipedia.

But sometimes, I just get bored.

I finished my badges for Pogo way too quickly this week, so it's been a while since I've needed to play anything. I am a Pogo beta tester, but there are only so many rounds of the tester games one can play in a row.

There is a Woot-off in progress today, but there has been so little on Woot lately that I have been interested in that I just check on it if I happen to pass the computer.

Ideally, I should go outside. Go for a walk or take Grace in the side yard or do SOMETHING. It's 50° outside and sunny and gorgeous -- definitely a day for the out-of-doors.

That said, I don't particularly want to leave the house.

See, Kurt called me last night. YAY! And we were able to talk for one hour and 45 minutes. Ohhhh it was heavenly.

He's back in Panama, which is where he was when he called me three weeks ago. I thought they had gone through the Panama Canal after they left Panama City three weeks ago, but apparently they had just gone back the way they had come and done more patrolling.

What's awesome is a phone card with one hour and 45 minutes on it is a mere $5!

We spent the time talking about all kinds of things. Mostly not romantic... it's not that we don't love each other; it's that sometimes you have to talk about the practical end of a marriage.

He got to hear Grace identifying all the letters of the alphabet with the LeapFrog fridge thing my best friend got her (thanks, Caroline!!), and he was highly impressed she could correctly identify all 26 letters. Right now she's busy trekking all the way here from the kitchen to bring me the letters two and three at a time, and telling me what they are.

Kurt got to talk to Grace a little bit, although she tends to turn a little shy when she gets the phone. Our cordless phone has a speakerphone in the handset, and Grace will only use the phone if you turn on the speakerphone and let her talk that way. I tried to get her to use it the proper way, but she kept saying, "Turn it! Turn it!" and trying to turn the phone so she could use the speaker.

Smart gal!

Kurt is in Panama for a little while longer, so I don't really want to go anywhere and miss a call from him. It might be another month or so before I get a chance to talk to him. Email is nice, but phone calls are better.

He's going to Costco today so he can get some things for the Chiefs' Mess. I didn't know they had Costco in Panama. It's a good thing we have a Costco card, I guess.

I cleaned out part of my china closet today. I have several drawers in it that are repositories for the most random crap. One drawer is my kitchen towel drawer, one is for my extra can't-live-without-them-but-only-use-them-rarely kitchen utensils, one is stuff for the animals (like the dog's leash and the brush and the nail clippers for the cats), and the other is just crap. I had a ton of candles I hadn't used since I moved here nearly four years ago, so I chucked them. I also found a sandalwood-scented candle I'd bought at Tarjay Boutique a very long time ago, and I was about to chuck it as well when I decided to light it. Surprisingly enough, it still is rather aromatic! It smells good, too.

For all the things I threw away, I don't have much more room than I had before. I have so much crap. I am a pack rat.

I need an intervention!

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