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22 January 2007

Late night visitors
Last night I had one of the strangest experiences of my life!

I live in a fairly nice neighborhood. But we do have our characters. Those of you who have been with me for quite some time may recognize the woman I call Psycho Woman. This is the woman who lives next door to me, who waters her roses at 11pm or later during the summer. This is the woman who has a ton of traffic in and out of her house, and the rumor is that she deals marijuana.

At 11pm last night I was sitting on the couch, watching tv and stitching when I heard a tentative knock on the door. I peered through the glass insert in my door, and there on my doorstep was Psycho Woman's daughter (who shall now be referred to as PWD because it's just too much work to type out Psycho Woman's daughter every time).

I knew immediately what she wanted as soon as I saw her because she does this every so often to the folks who live near her. She was locked out of her house, and she needed to call her mom to tell her to come home so she could get in the house. Usually she just climbs into her bedroom window when the front door is locked, but I guess she'd locked her window for some reason and couldn't get in that way.

I felt a little bit of trepidation letting her in, and maybe I shouldn't have. But it was cold, and I knew her. I've talked to her before, and she's a well-spoken, articulate, and polite girl, even if her mother is a supposed drug dealer. And she's only 17.

So she and her friend came in the house, and they sat on the couch and tried to call Psycho Woman. Apparently the most likely place for her to be was the casinos. Great parenting there... but anyhow. PWD never did get a hold of her mom, and they finally went to sit on her front porch at 12:15am. I heard some banging, so I don't know if they were trying to break in the house or what. Not my problem, I guess.

The only thing that really annoyed me about the situation is she kept asking me for a lighter or a match. I fibbed a wee bit and told her I didn't have anything like that because of Grace. I don't care if an adult wants to smoke, and I don't really like all the laws against it here in the States and Washington in particular. But I won't condone teenagers doing it, and I won't give you a match or a lighter so you can smoke when you're not 18.

I'm mean, I guess.

Today I wanted to check out the antique store and have lunch with Grace at the bakery. So I got out of bed, got dressed, did my hair and makeup, and left by 11am. Unfortunately, the antique store was closed till further notice so the owners can get their parents settled into a nursing home. The bakery is always closed on Sundays and Mondays, a little fact I had overlooked today. So no bakery for me!

Instead we went to the foo-foo grocery store so I could stock up on spices. That place is AWESOME for spices. They are sold in bulk, so you can buy just enough to fill up your spice jar. Usually I can get spices for 30� or 40� or even less! Today I got thyme and oregano for 8� each because the cashier's scale wasn't recognizing the weight (it was messed up or something), and that was the lowest amount he could sell me. I won't complain. That much thyme or oregano in the jars would be probably $2 or even $4.

Here's something I don't get. The foo-foo grocery store does also sell spices in jars, and saffron is, as always, quite pricey. There was one jar of saffron that was selling for $20. Then on the shelf next to it was three times the amount of saffron for $5! And the cheaper saffron looked to be the better-quality stuff; the $20 jar was just your run-of-the-mill McCormick brand, the $5 jar looked like a gourmet brand from Spain. But why would you spend $20 on saffron when there is a $5 jar with three times the amount right next it?

I don't need saffron anyhow. Kurt spent something like $5 on saffron in the Middle East a couple of years ago, a huge wad of it. I think I have probably $500 worth of saffron. I should sell it and make a lot of money. *wink*

Then it was off to Wendy's for lunch. I got a wee bit sad there because a Navy Chief came in, wearing his khaki uniform, and it made me sad for Kurt. I miss him.

Finally we had to stop at Target! God, I love that place. I only spent $50, which is pretty good for me. But I bought a makeup organizer that was $20, so that was most of the bill right there. I was good! I did NOT buy Grace any more clothes! And there were a ton on clearance. Isn't that shocking?? Usually I'm buying a ton of clothes for her.

I did buy her a sun hat, but it was too cute to resist. Oh, and the matching sunglasses. But a girl can't have too many pairs of sunglasses!

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