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14 December 2006

Storm paranoia
People have gone completely insane here in western Washington.

We are predicted to get a fairly nasty windstorm tonight, possibly worse than the one last year during the Super Bowl where we lost power for three days.

I just found out a few weeks ago that the reason our street didn't have power for three days (and our street was the only one in the neighborhood without power after the first eight hours or so) is because a power company guy had to shimmy up a pole and flick a switch. The soonest they could get someone out here to flick the switch was three days after the storm.


Yeah, the storm could be bad. But in my opinion, it's like living in Florida. Yeah, a hurricane could hit, and it could even be a category 5 as it sits out on the coast. But that doesn't mean it won't lose power as soon as it touches land and go back down to a category 1.

I want to know how the forecasters are so sure that we're going to get absolutely hammered. And if we do get hammered, what's the worst that's going to happen? We'll lose power. Big whoop. If Gracie were a little baby, I'd be a bit more concerned and make sure I had plenty of formula to feed her. But I'm not worried about losing power. I have my hurricane lamps, I have my kerosene, I have plenty of sweaters to layer if it gets too cold... I'm just fine.

This morning I went to Cabin Fever again so Grace could run around with other kids her age, but there were very few kids there. That's very unusual because with the weather being so bad the last few days (it's been pouring for three or four days), most kids can't go outside to play, so a lot of moms will bring them to Cabin Fever to run off some energy. I didn't think anything of so few people being there this morning until later, when I realized most people stayed home in fear of this storm.

Grace and I made our normal Thursday stop at the bakery (and no, my "boyfriend" wasn't there... so sad) and got a ham & swiss on kaiser roll with split pea soup... YUM!!! They're so nice to us there; they gave Grace free potato chips. As I was waiting for the food, I noticed that a lot of things were on sale, so I went back for a scone. I love scones. Anyhoo, I talked to the lady who owns the bakery, and she said, "I put everything on sale because of this storm. I need to get out of here early today. I need to beat this storm home. I'm so worried about this storm." And she kept going on and on and on... I won't complain about a 50� scone, though.

Then it was off to the commissary. I really didn't want to go in this weather, what with it pouring, and it's also military payday. Not only that, it's the payday before Christmas. I expected it to be PACKED. But I have two or three swallows of milk left, so I needed to go.

When I pulled up to the commissary, there was plenty of parking. That was my first clue. Once I got in, I was surprised by the lack of people. There was no one there. It was dead. D-E-A-D dead.

It made my shopping a zillion times easier, let me tell you!!!

But I didn't think anything of it till I was just about finished, and J called me to ask if she could go to my house and retrieve the stuff she'd stored in my freezer. That was when she informed me that they've already canceled school for tomorrow! Already!! At 11am this morning they decided to cancel school for tomorrow!!! She told me everyone else is freaking out about this storm, except her. I told her I wasn't freaking out either, so that makes two of us.

I'm just totally confused. We're not getting snow, we're not getting ice. It's not a hurricane or even a nor'easter. The worst that could happen is the power going out, or possibly a tree falling on your house (not MY house because I have very strong trees). The most likely thing to happen is a loss of power. Sure, it'll be boring for a few days, but I'll live.

If I'm not online for the next couple of days, now you know why!

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