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05 December 2006

Grumpy Clerk strikes again
I keep thinking today is Wednesday. I went over to Pogo to see what the badges for this week are going to be but noticed they hadn't posted them yet. I was all confused until I realized it's only Tuesday.

It's only Tuesday. Kurt left exactly one week ago today. Why does it feel like forever already?

I went to the post office today and spent a gazillion dollars. It was more like $55, but that's just on sending three boxes and getting a book of stamps. I sent everything priority as well because on two of the boxes, it was less than a dollar more to send it priority mail. I figured I could suck up a dollar or two extra.

I also want the packages to get to their destinations as soon as possible. Most folks are confused why I'm so worried for Christmas presents to get there as soon as possible when we still have nearly 3 weeks till the holiday. The thing is, my best friend Caroline's birthday is on the 13th, and my brother's birthday is the 15th. I packed their birthday gifts in with their Christmas presents in order to save a bit on postage.

I was very disappointed to get to the post office and find Grumpy Psycho Postal Clerk working today. Our post office is so small that the postmaster is usually the only clerk who works, and the post office shuts down from noon to 12:30 every day so she can eat lunch. Usually she has Wednesdays off to take her husband to the doctor over in Seattle, but she wasn't working today. As soon as I pulled up to the post office and saw the Grumpy Clerk's Jeep, I groaned.

Maybe that's why I keep thinking it's Wednesday...

Grumpy Clerk was actually in a decent mood today. When she's working, you never know if you're walking into the lion's den. Some days she's in the worst mood ever, and if you look at her weird, she'll snap off at you. She's also not very bright. One day I was in there, and she was trying to figure out how to send a box to Canada. I don't understand why she didn't know how to do that; we live so close to Canada that a lot of our residents have friends and family there.

There have been times when I've seen her Jeep as I pulled up to the post office and decided to go to a different one. Fortunately there is one only a few miles away, so it's not a hardship to go there instead. I don't enjoy dealing with her. She's much too grumpy.

Grace is starting to learn her numbers! She has a puzzle featuring the numbers one through nine, and she loves to show me the numbers and tell me what they are. She knows for sure the numbers one, two, four, six, and nine; the others she tends to fake a bit. She can even recognize them when I write them for her. I'm surprised by it; I didn't think kids understood numbers until they were about three. She even knows how old she is -- ask her, "How old are you, Gracie?" and she'll say, "Twooooooooo!" It's so cute.

And just to ratchet up the cuteness factor a bit more, enjoy the following:

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