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30 November 2006

Apparently I am a Bubble
This was too funny NOT to post. *Warning* Do not attempt to take this quiz unless you have high-speed internet. It's Flash-intensive.

I am no longer snowbound! WOO HOOOOO!!!

Although being snowbound for me is really no big deal, as I spend a lot of time at home anyhow. I know a lot of stay-at-home moms who have to go somewhere and do something every day, but there's enough at the house to entertain me for several days running. I have a computer, I have tv, I have books... I'm good!

At the same time, I don't really like not having the option of going somewhere if I wanted to. I did decide to go out yesterday to a pet store to get some fish for the fish tank, but that's because J reminded me of a pet store near the house. Well, duh. It's where I take my dog to get groomed every few months.

I felt dumb.

Getting out of my neighborhood was slightly problematic. The only way left out was very icy, and my little car needed three or four tries to get up this small slope. Finally we made it, and I went off to the pet store. But they were closed, probably due to the weather. I got gas and then decided to come home. I was worried about the weather getting worse because I'd heard on the radio that we were supposed to get more snow.

This morning when I went outside, it was almost balmy! I'd watched the temperature creep up last night; it hit 37� around 9pm last night.

Today was rather warm as well. It's funny how 37� is frigid if you're coming off a week of 50�+ weather, but 37� feels like a heatwave when it's been 25� for several days! When I went out to look for my paper (I got today's paper, but not Wednesday's or Tuesday's editions, like I had asked for... grrr), I could hear the snow and ice dripping as it melted.

About an hour later, I saw a sand truck heading up my street. That made me giggle -- wait till the ice is melted until you sand the streets. But at least I could get out of my house now!!

J called me later and told me that they'd even opened the steep, curvy hill leading to my house, so I was even able to take the short way to town. I went to the post office first to mail my sister's birthday present to her, but when I went to pay I realized I'd left my wallet in my jacket at home! Sheesh! Fortunately I had to come back towards the house anyhow on my way to Walmart.

But I felt dumb anyhow.

So we went to Walmart, and we got fish. One gold fantail goldfish and one calico fantail goldfish. They're quite pretty. I'm just hoping they live. I know sometimes Walmart's fish have a tendency to die. I figure, worse comes to worst, I'll just head down to Petsmart and get more.

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