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26 November 2006

Snow in Seattle
I have one word for today:


Kurt finds a huge chunk of snow to throw

As you can probably tell, we are very excited by this development. I'd heard we were supposed to get some snow this weekend, but I didn't believe it. We're supposed to get snow every winter and we rarely do.

Sometimes living in a climate as mild as Seattle's is no fun at all.

This morning Kurt announced that he wanted to go to a local restaurant that has an all-you-can-eat Sunday brunch buffet. Never one to turn down someone else cooking, I heartily agreed.

Kurt made sure Grace and I were well-bundled since it was about 32�F when we left, but without thinking I slipped my obnoxiously sequined clogs onto my feet.

As we headed south towards the restaurant, we started noticing more and more white. At first I thought it was a good frost, but then it started appearing on cars and fences, and it got thicker and thicker. By the time we got to town just seven miles south of us, there was probably two inches of snow on the ground and more was coming down.

Don't laugh -- anything more than the threat of snow paralyzes the Seattle area.

When we got to the restaurant, the owner was outside icing the entrance, and I mentioned to her that I was surprised by all the snow. She told me that almost everywhere had gotten snow -- the village just north of us, the town where the restaurant was, and the more developed areas south of us. One area was even without power due to the snow!! I told her we hadn't gotten ANY snow at that point, and she was surprised. Apparently we were ringed by people who had gotten snow, just not my neighborhood.

We did a bit of shopping in the city south of us, and they were getting a ton of snow. They probably got six inches by the time we headed back home. By then, it was actually snowing in my neighborhood, which prompted my neighbors to build a snowman. Their daughter wanted Gracie to come help, so everyone went over there. It quickly degenerated into a free-for-all snowball fight -- the best kind there is!

My concern is for tomorrow, however. The ship just called and informed us that liberty expires at 8:15am instead of 7:15am, but since Kurt has such a long commute, he's still going to be fighting snow and ice all the way there.

The weatherman says we're supposed to get up to six more inches of snow tonight on top of what we already have. Ahhhh... I love winter!!!

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