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02 November 2006

Strange dreams
Last night was the night of the vivid dreams!!

I got up with Kurt this morning, like a good little wifey should, even though my brain doesn't function well at 5:30am. Plus it was frigidly cold in the house. But once I saw him off to work, I crawled back in my warm bed and read for a few moments before I drifted back off to sleep.

I noticed when I finally woke up after having this dream that I was sleeping on my back, which is probably why I had such an odd dream. Generally I sleep on my stomach, although I am also known as a side-sleeper.

In my first dream, I was trying to get somewhere in a hurry. I don't know where, but I had to get somewhere. I was in my car, and I went up the on-ramp to a highway only to find complete gridlock. No cars were moving at all, and I think the highway was crumbling underneath the cars as well. This is never a good thing. The next thing I know, I'm out of my car and climbing down a ladder from the highway into a building. From there I've got to find my way out of the building. There was a whole group of people trying to get out, so we were all in the same predicament, which bonded us together. Everyone was helping the other person try to get out of the building. The problem was, no one was sure how to go. The building was sort of like a large hotel, with many hallways and service corridors and ladders and stairways and banquet halls. I saw rich people having a banquet in one of the ball rooms and knew we couldn't disturb them. In my dream, as I'm trying to find my way out of the building, my legs are going weak. I felt like I couldn't walk anymore, or climb any more ladders. I had to keep asking for people to help pull me up, and they were getting tired of helping me. But eventually we all made it out into the sunlight, and just as that happened, my cell phone rang with a text message from Kurt telling me that he'd arrived at work safely.

By this time it was 7am, and there was no way I was getting up that early. I am not a morning person. So I tried to stop thinking about that weird dream and snuggled back under the covers.

Then my second dream started up. I was just puttering around the house, expecting company, when all of a sudden the doorbell rang in my dream. I opened the door, and there is my friend J with a male friend of hers (that only existed in my dreamworld). They were there so the man could adopt Gracie!! I totally broke down and told them I couldn't let let Gracie go, and the man, while disappointed he wasn't going home with a child, patted my back and told me he wouldn't take her from me. Then we all sat down to dinner and life was good.

How 'bout dem weird dreams?!?! What the heck??

I have an overactive imagination!

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