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12 October 2006

Happy anniversary
First things first... Happy Anniversary to me!!!

Yes, folks, five years ago today I married my husband... and have managed to refrain from shooting him ever since!

Sometimes he deserves it, though...

Kurt called the Big-Name-Local-Real-Estate Company for me yesterday to complain about the praying lady. The manager wasn't surprised; apparently ours was the third complaint about this woman. He told Kurt he thought he'd already nipped her behavior in the bud previously, but he assured him he would get right to it.

Funnily enough, her profile on the website for her office, which she has to write herself (since all the profiles are different and some are quite personal), reads: "As your Real Estate Agent I am committed to providing you with excellence in service, with integrity, commitment and professionalism." I have no idea about excellence in service, integrity, or commitment, but she sure as hell needs lessons in professionalism.

Why is it that Christians seem to get away with this behavior anyhow? The woman had called my friend J as well, and while J was weirded out by the prayer request, she didn't think it was an issue, or at least not enough to call the office to complain. But I wonder what she would have thought if a Jew or a Muslim would have called, wanting to pray. Not everyone in this country is a Christian, and I wish people would realize that already.

New subject.

As a result of her severe allergic reaction on Saturday, we now have an appointment with an allergist tomorrow for Grace. When I called on Tuesday to make the appointment, I was surprised that she could fit us in so quickly. The pediatrician's nurse had warned us it could be weeks before we were seen; specialists usually have long waiting lists. I'm even more surprised after calling back to try to reschedule the appointment today because I was told the allergist is only in my area one day a month.

Sometimes it sucks to live in the boonies.

I tried rescheduling because our appointment is at 2pm tomorrow, and we're also going to the Navy Ball to celebrate the birthday of the Navy. That starts at 5:30pm on the other side of the water, so we'll have to navigate the ferries as well as traffic northbound on I-5 on a Friday afternoon. One Friday it took me an hour and a half to get from the ferry terminal to the base, when it should take about 30 minutes driving at a reasonable speed. It takes Kurt 20 minutes, but that's because he knows the route and is comfortable with going faster.

Now our appointment is at 9:50am tomorrow, which means I need to leave the house around 9am. Yeeeesh. Usually I am not even up by then.

See, I am a nightowl. When Kurt's underway or has duty, nighttime is the only time I get to myself, so I tend to stay up late and enjoy the quiet. I don't normally go to bed till after midnight, sometimes not even till 1am. So sleeping in till 9 or 9:30 just makes sense.

The strange thing is, lately when I've been waking up, it's been 9:22am on Kurt's clock. Not 9:20 or 9:25, but 9:22. It's not even the fault of my alarm clock either because this morning I shut it off when it started going off at 8:30. I just seem to be programmed to wake up at 9:22.

I'm eager to see what the allergist has to say about why Grace reacted so badly. I'm wondering if it was the peanut butter cookie, though. I started reading about peanut allergies on the internet, and everything I could find stressed the importance of staying away from peanuts because the reaction is so severe and so swift. I know Grace had a peanut butter cookie around 3pm at the party, but she didn't begin her allergic reaction until nearly 5pm as the party was ending. We've scrutinized the photos we took at the party, looking for signs that the reaction was beginning, and while some parts of her face show faint signs of redness, it's nothing compared to how fast she began to redden and swell after 6pm or so.

I wonder if we'll ever know what caused her reaction, if it wasn't peanut butter. We went out to dinner last night, and the waitress told us the same thing had happened to her son. He had one severe reaction, and that was it, and they never figured out what had happened.

We'll see. Hopefully the allergist will be able to help us out.

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