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15 September 2006

Running amok in Seattle
Really, really, really quick entry.

My mother-in-law arrived safely yesterday with her great-nephew in tow to keep her company, so now everyone is gathered for Kurt's pinning ceremony tomorrow. We ate out both lunch and dinner yesterday, which did not please my digestive system, but apparently it was due more to where we ate dinner. I had to make an emergency run to Target to get some Tums for the heartburn I had after dinner, and I've only had heartburn twice in my life. I mentioned where we ate to the cashier at Target (I was ripping into the Tums bottle before we even paid for it), and she said she always has digestive issues when she eats there. I guess we're not eating there again!

It's a shame, really. The food was pretty good.

So today I'm off to get dressed and purtied up to meet my mother-in-law on the other side (she didn't want to stay on this side because she hates the ferries), where we shall do the touristy thing in Seattle. Her great-nephew is 11, and is really stoked to be here since he's never been here before. I'm also quite pleased with him because every other time I've seen him, he's been quite the pain in the rear. But now he's very much a joy to be around, and I'm glad she brought him.

But I'm off... I overslept my alarm this morning as the first ferry I could make after driving Kurt back to the ship was the 11:45pm, and then Gracie decided she didn't want to go back to sleep last night until nearly 1:30am.

Have a faboo day, everyone!

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