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11 August 2006

Looking for one thing and finding another
I have managed to misplace the new dog tag I bought for my dog, Koolit.

Garrrrrrrr, Peter.

A while ago I had Koolit shaved for the summer. His fur was insanely long, and it was starting to mat. So I got him completely shaved. I don't think the groomer consulted her notes on him, however, and used some wacky shampoo and/or powder on him which made him itch like crazy. He's got sensitive skin, so when I bathe him I either use hypoallergenic shampoo or baby shampoo.

I'm a fan of having tags on my animals, even though my cats aren't outdoor animals and my dog doesn't leave the yard. I am just afraid that one of them will get out one day, and no one will know where they belong. Koolit, being a dog, also has his rabies tag on his collar, though I'm pretty sure it's expired by now. As he scratched and itched after his trip to the groomer's, his tags would jingle quite noisily. When Koolit starts to scratch, it's not just a few moments of itching. He's at it for quite some time. Plus he also likes to lick unmentionable areas of his body, and that causes his tags to jingle too.

One night Kurt was tired of waking up to the jingling, so he took Koolit's collar off. He's been running around "naked" ever since. But I found a dog tag in a catalog that slides onto the collar, and therefore does not jingle.

Now I needed a new dog collar. The slide-on tag only works with a buckled dog collar, and Koolit's old collar is one of those quick-release buckle types. Today I bought the proper dog collar, and in leather as well, but I can't find the damn tag!!!


I did find my husband's PIN number for one of his ATM cards that we'd been looking for for months.

Now I suppose I'll have to go look for something else so I'll find the dog tag! ;o)

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