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22 May 2006

Absolutely in love with books
Welcome to Seattle in the spring! Yes, folks, it is still spring here, and it will not be summer until the Fourth of July.

This is actually a very good thing. After suffering many, many summers in humid Virginia, I have been completely spoiled by the weather here.

However, a few more sunny days would be nice. It's supposed to be overcast and gloomy for the next week. I guess I'll just have to keep my coffee brewing!!!

Today Gracie and I had our normal Thursday "date" for two reasons: a) we hadn't been out of the house since Friday, and b) the antique store was closed last Thursday and I was jonesing to go again.

I found out today that they close every year during the festival weekend. I also found out through my mail lady (who used to work with the antiques store proprietor when she worked at the post office) that the owners don't really need the money, that the store is really just a hobby. That definitely explains their hours. Currently they are only open Friday through Monday. On Tuesday and Wednesday they take care of their aging parents, who must be pretty old since the owners are in their 60s, and then on Thursday they need a break.

It's a shame only because it's the best antique store on the street, very well-laid out, not over-stuffed, and selling actual vintage stuff of quality.

I didn't manage to find anything in the antique store to add to my collection, mainly because I stayed away from the book section. I am currently reading the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon, which should keep me happily occupied for quite some time, as each book is 600+ pages. Plus every other time I've gone to the antique store, I've come out with more novels. And I haven't even started in on the books I got at Borders last month on their "Buy 2 Get 3" promotion.

Is it any wonder it's been forever since I've been to the library??

I seem to go in fits and starts when it comes to the library. Sometimes I just get so lazy that I don't feel like going to the library to check out five books that I know I won't be able to read in 3 weeks, and then will just have to renew at least once online. Trying to corral Gracie while I'm perusing the books on the shelves is somewhat difficult as well. At the same time, I love visiting the library because I find all these books I would otherwise never contemplate buying. Ever. Yet I check them out because they are free, and then I end up loving them. Sometimes I even go out and buy myself my own copy, as with the book Blessed Are the Cheesemakers.

I'm just a complete bookworm. And I'm okay with that!!

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