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20 May 2006

Bodily functions
Wooooooooooo hoooooooooo!!!!!

Fair warning: This diary entry may contain more information about bodily functions than you may want to read about. You are warned.

Tonight Gracie went pee in the potty!! Woooo!!! I've been putting her on the potty every time I went just to get her used to it, but most times I wouldn't bother to remove her diaper. I just wanted her to sit down like I was. Once in a while, I would remove her diaper, and she would just sit there and yammer at me like she always does.

Tonight we were getting ready for her bath, and I figured since I already had her naked, I may as well set her on the potty. As I finished up my business in the bathroom, I noticed she'd gone pee! She started to stand before she was done, which is the only way I noticed. But I applauded her and congratulated her, which in Grace's world, is the coolest thing. She'll do anything in order to get me to say, "Yay, Gracie!!"

This means I spend a great deal of time during the day saying, "Yay, Gracie!!"

At that moment, I HAD to call Caroline and inform her of the good news because I knew she would understand the milestone Gracie and I had hit. So I was sitting in the bathroom, watching Gracie play in the tub and chatting to Caroline. All of a sudden, I noticed Gracie's acting like she's got to poop as well, which is making me nervous because she hadn't pooped this morning, and she's usually pretty regular. I realize she's about to go, so I quickly hung up with Caroline and levitated Gracie out of the tub and onto the potty again. She had managed to let go a tiny bit before I grabbed her, but I guess she didn't have much in her. She did poop a little in the potty as well, so there's two milestones in one night!

This isn't to say Gracie is ready to be potty trained. For one thing, she hasn't got the words "pee pee" and "poop" in her vocabulary, so it would be quite difficult for her to inform me she had to go. But I think that if I just keep putting her on the potty on a regular basis, she'll figure it out.

Funny thing is, I don't really mind changing diapers either. It's not my favorite thing to do, but it's something I gotta do, and I do it. It'll be nice not to have to wash diapers anymore, though...

But then we'll have progressed into the "Mommy, I gotta GO! NOWWWWWW!!!" right at the wrong moment, like when you're stuck in traffic on the Tacoma Narrows Bridge and there is NOWHERE to pull over.

Ahhhh, raising children. It's a wonderful thing!

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