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28 April 2006

Grace loves the Price is Right
My daughter LOVES The Price Is Right. This is what she does every morning as The Price Is Right theme starts up.

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Like momma, like daughter, I suppose.

So far, I have been suffering from an upset stomach for about 18 hours. No, no, don't worry -- I'm not sick. I'm just nervous.

I should know soon if Kurt will be able to come with me to DC. It looks good at the moment, but things always seem to go awry at the last moment with that ship.

I have always had this problem. Stress with me tends to manifest in the physical. This is why I spent my entire senior year of college in a state of panic. I had no real plans for post-graduation, and no idea how to get a job. The stress manifested itself physically, and I suffered from nausea, sleeplessness, and lack of appetite all year.

I worry because flying with Grace is no fun at all. When she was two months old, we went to Arizona for Christmas, and that was a piece of cake. She simply slept for the entire time. Then last June I went to DC when she was eight months old, and since Kurt was out to sea by this time, I went by myself. That also went pretty well. In August, Grace and I again went to Tucson, and the flight started getting a little iffy. At this point she was already walking, so she wasn't too keen to be corralled for three straight hours. We weren't able to go to Tucson for Christmas, so Grace and I again made the trek to Tucson in January. That flight was not fun at all. She didn't want to sit still, she wanted to be put down, she didn't want to sleep, she just fussed the whole time. This is why I'm not looking forward to this flight if Kurt can't go. I am one of those people who can't say, "Screw you if my kid upsets you; I can't do a damn thing about it." I just don't have the backbone for that.

But it should be over soon, and then I can just stress about the flight itself. Fun stuff. :o)

By the way, when I do leave for Dad's house tomorrow, I probably won't be updating the whole time I'm there. My stepmother's computer doesn't recognize the DSL router for some reason, so she's still stuck on dial-up. And there is no way Dad will let me use his computer. He's funny that way. I could use the laptop in the guest bedroom, but I will most likely be too busy for that. We have a lot planned for the week I am there.

So have a lovely week!!

PS -- Thank you for all the lovely comments regarding my new ring. It just looks huge to me since I went from a 1/4ct center stone to one that's 1 1/2ct. The more I look at my new set, the more I like it. I just may have to wear it all the damn time!

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