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15 April 2006

Four minutes and out the door
Some days I wish I were male...

Kurt actually came home last night, shock of all shocks. The disappointing thing is he missed the 6:30pm ferry because it filled up, although it had looked like he was going to make it. I guess they take fewer cars per run than it looks like, sometimes. This meant he had to wait till the 7:20pm, which got him home at 8pm. That's not a whole lot of time for family time when you consider he is back at work today and won't be home till tomorrow morning.

Even though he got home at 8pm, we were naughty and kept Miss Gracie up WAYYYYYYYYYY past her bedtime (which is usually 8pm), and we went to Walmart. I'd been bored for a few days anyhow, and getting out of the house with Kurt was rather necessary for my sanity. Plus I needed a new shredder. I broke my old one -- but it gave us five years of service, so I can't complain.

We managed to spend two hours at Walmart, although it passed in a flash. When I asked Kurt what time it was, and he told me 10pm, I was floored! We didn't even get a whole lot at Walmart, although it all added up.

Once we got home, Gracie got a quick bath, and I started cleaning up. See, I only straighten the house after Grace goes to bed. When she strews her toys all over the living room, it doesn't make sense to clean them up while she's napping when she's just going to do it all over again after dinner. And since we'd gone out, there were still toys all over everywhere. Neither had I cleaned the kitchen after dinner, so while I put the stuff away that we bought at Walmart, Kurt cleaned up in there.

By the time we got to bed it was midnight. Not so bad for me, but VERY bad for someone who has to get up at 4:30am to make the 5:10am ferry. Unfortunately the 5:50am ferry, which is what Kurt generally takes, doesn't run on Saturdays. Then we just laid in bed and talked and watched a bit of tv. I bet it was nearly 1am before the poor guy got to sleep.

His alarm started ringing at 4am or thereabouts. I do remember waking him up at 4:15am and asking him if he was getting up. He hit snooze and went back to sleep.

All of a sudden I wake up in a panic and stare at the clock. It's now 4:44am -- and the ferry leaves in less than half an hour! I wake Kurt up, and he completely panics. I dash out of bed to get his water bottle filled while he throws his clothes on (thank god he had his clothes set out the night before). He doesn't even take the time to go to the bathroom, but makes sure he grabs his clean coveralls out of the dryer and dashes out of the door.

Kurt called me a couple of minutes later to ask me to look on the internet what time the next ferry left from another terminal. There was no way he was going to make it to that other terminal before the next ferry left since it's about a half hour from the house.

At this point I'm rather awake and the brain is functioning, and since he left the house at 4:48am, which he's told me before is the absolute latest he can leave the house and be sure to make the ferry, I was pretty confident he wouldn't miss it.

In case you weren't paying attention to the math, I woke Kurt up at 4:44 and he was out the door by 4:48am.

Must be nice to be a guy!!

Kurt was still completely confused and panicked the whole way to the ferry, which was only resolved when he called me back around 5am, at which point I explained yet again that he's trying to make the 5:10am ferry. For some reason, his sleep-addled brain was thinking he was trying to make the 4:50am ferry, which doesn't exist.

All ended well as he managed to make the ferry, and I'm assuming he made it safely to the ship. At that point I was back asleep, cozy and comfy in my nice warm bed.

I can't believe he managed to get up and get out of the house in only four minutes!! It takes me that long just to get dressed, what with having to put on a bra, etc. And since he didn't have to comb his hair or put on contacts, getting ready in a flash was easy for him.

Maybe I should just shave my head. ;o)

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