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30 March 2006

Hermit crab
Sorry, Art, I lied... I'm not a cat. I'm a hermit crab!!! :o)

What animal would best suit your personality?


You�re a relatively carefree person who likes spending time alone more often than with company. The home and social life aren�t such an important factor to you as maintaining your independence away from the rabble of modern society. You are a hermit!

Personality Test Results

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I came up with the greatest idea! I am so proud of myself.

Are you ready for it?!?!

I realized I could clean the bathroom while Gracie was taking her bath! How smart am I?? Talk about multi-tasking!

I used to be so good at housework before Gracie came along. I wouldn't do anything on a schedule, but the bathroom was almost always clean, the floors were vacuumed, the kitchen and bathroom were mopped.

Then came Grace.

It was easy when she was an infant because she was rather immobile there for a while, and since she wasn't a high-needs baby (thank God for small miracles), I could easily stick her in her swing and do whatever needed to be done.

The problem was, I just didn't have the energy. So most everything started to slide, although I didn't really worry about it. I am pretty easygoing most of the time and refuse to worry about the small stuff. For me, housework is the small stuff. :o)

Now that Gracie's a bit bigger, doing housework while she's awake still isn't a very easy thing to do. She's always wanting to help, which is quite cute, but it's really hard to sweep the kitchen floor when you've got a 27-pound weight hanging off the broom. And that 27-pound weight doesn't normally want to go where YOU want to go either, which generally results in a bit of a tantrum.

I try to keep the housework for when she's napping, but then the only time I get ME time is while she's asleep! Now Gracie's on a one-nap-a-day schedule, which means I get one two- to three-hour block in the afternoons to myself, as well as any time after 8pm. That sounds like a lot, but who wants to spend all their free time cleaning??

So instead I putter around the internet, or play Pogo, or watch tv and stitch. No one's complaining about the messy house, and I refuse to worry about it.

But I'm still awfully proud of myself for figuring out I can clean a bathroom while my daughter's bathing!!

(Note to paranoid mommas: I do not use chemicals while cleaning the bathroom, with the exception of the toilet bowl cleaner. So I'm not rampantly spraying things around the bathroom that Gracie can inhale while she's in the tub. I have microfiber cloths that I wet with water and they work better than any other chemical I've tried.)

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