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19 September 2005

Time is so slow
Time is passing so very slowly..........

I'm getting my days mixed up now. Being a stay-at-home mom, I don't really keep track of days. I try to remember which days are Mondays (for Monday Night Football), and which days are Wednesdays (I have to put the garbage and/or recycling out that night because Thursday is trash day). Other than that, I don't really pay much attention. I really have no reason to.

For some reason I could SWEAR that today was September 20th. September 20th is primary election day here in Washington, and I was planning on mailing my ballot. But it pisses me off that my county went to all-mail voting because I don't like absentee ballots. Not only that, our ballots are no longer confidential because they can track down who voted for whom, instead of the completely confidential ballot box at a polling place.

So this morning as I'm getting ready, I grabbed my voter pamphlet and looked up all the folks running for this office and that, made my decisions, and marked my ballot. Then it was off to the fire station to drop off the ballot. I walked into the fire station and waved my ballot at the lady in the office.

Who then proceeded to inform me, "tomorrow!!!"


But she graciously accepted my ballot anyhow, even though she wasn't supposed to. She saw I had a baby, and she knows how hard it can be to get out of the house with a baby. What a nice lady. :o) Sometimes it's useful to have a baby... sometimes it's not! Plus Grace is just a little charmer.

Some days when I want to get in and out of a store quickly, I have to put Grace in my backpack. Otherwise it takes me too long to get through the store because EVERYONE wants to stop to talk to Gracie! :o) That's the peril of having a cute kid, I suppose.

Kurt will be home in six weeks. I can't believe it's so soon already!! But it's causing time to slow down to the point where it seems like everything is happening in slow motion. I think about him all the time now, thinking about what it's going to be like to have him home. I think about the candles I can buy because he doesn't like cinnamon. I know I can't use up a candle containing cinnamon before he gets home, so I have to stick to berry scents. I think about maybe taking a crochet class at Joann's or Michael's since he'll be home to babysit her. There are so many plans I can make, and I find myself making them. That slows down time even more.

I just want time to fly by. The last five months have gone by pretty quickly; these last six weeks are going to kill me!

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