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23 July 2005

New mower!
Lawnmower saga is OVAHHHH!! (as Fukui-san would say on Iron Chef.)

I have purchased a brand new lawnmower that is a Consumer Reports Best Buy on The damn thing will come to my house, which means I don't have to schlep Grace anywhere, which is a HUGE bonus.

Now I just have to get the old one outta the truck. Grrr. I plan to have Kurt fix it and sell it when he gets home.


I love being a Navy wife....

Changing the spark plug on the lawnmower didn't help, although it still needed to be done. It was pretty black. I've called a small engine repair guy, and he thinks it's the carburetor. I wish I'd asked for a quote; maybe I should just buy a new lawnmower. They are kind of like tvs, no real point to fixing them since they're so inexpensive.


What should I do!? I hate being this stressed over stupid stuff!!!

So sorry I've been remiss in updating... not like a whole bunch of folks read this, but still. If my hubby had internet, he'd be bugging me to update, citing the needs of "my fans," namely him. :o)

My refrigerator tried to go on the fritz again today, but I smacked it down and taught it who is Boss. When I woke up this morning, the freezer was at 15 degrees, where it's supposed to be no warmer than 0. I think it's because I've been gone so much that it hasn't really been opened much lately. So I opened the fridge until it started up, and now it's reading 0. I know, I know... I oughta just buy a new one. I'd rather deal with that when Kurt gets home.

Have I mentioned that I'm just about halfway through this deployment?? It's odd to think that I've hit the crest and am on the downward slope. It's nice, though. I realize that every day that passes is one day closer to his being home, but it's more real, if that makes sense, knowing that I'm over the hump.

It's a Navy wife thing; you may not understand. :o)

What gets me (in a good way) are all the folks on Pogo that are so kind and supportive. I've been chatting a lot more in the chatrooms as I've been playing, and I've met some really nice people. And almost to a man (or woman), they all tell me to thank Kurt for the job he is doing to protect our nation. I knew there were people out there like that, those who are grateful for the security our military provides, but living in this area it's hard to remember. The folks here in Washington are quite nice, don't get me wrong. But most of them are jealous and/or resentful of the perks I get for being a Navy wife. They don't like that I get to shop at the commissary or go to the emergency room without a co-pay or pay for prescriptions. But you know, Kurt also gets paid a fraction of what he would get paid in the private sector to do his job. If we didn't have our perks, instead of living a nice, comfortable existence, we would be well below the poverty level, and I'd be having to make the difficult decision of food for me or paying the mortgage.

So what's been keeping me away from Diaryland?? Nothing too exciting, I promise you. It's just been crazy around here. After the book party on Tuesday, I trekked down to Target to buy Gracie some blocks. B had some Mega Bloks to play with, and Gracie thought they were the coolest toy she'd ever seen. I also got her a baby float to use in the pool because I want to try to make pool visits a weekly thing once Kurt gets back. Or if Grace starts walking soon, and I can set her on her feet in the dressing room, I'll take her on my own before Kurt gets home. Right now it's just a little too hard to do on my own.

Then it was off to R's house. I didn't expect to go there, but she'd called while I was at Target because she wanted some adult interaction. I was happy to provide that, and I realized that we have lots in common. She is soooooooooo smart, though. But she's also a paranoid momma, not in a bad way, but she makes me giggle a lot. Her son E has got to be the cutest baby I have seen in a long time. He's like a male version of Grace -- too cute!!!

I spent Wednesday at home recuperating from the week, although I did make a trip down to Home Depot to get an air filter for the lawnmower. I replaced it and it was still sputtering and then dying, so Kurt has suggested replacing the spark plug. I went to Schuck's last night to do so, but they were out of the spark plug I needed. The truck had just arrived, so I'm going back to the auto store today to get it and have it installed. I batted my eyelashes at a young male clerk and he was happy to help me. :o)

Yesterday I went to the mall with R and her son E, which was way too much fun. Did you know Hot Topic sells onesies and toddler shirts?! I could get Grace a Metallica shirt -- how cool is that?! I do have plans to get her a particular onesie, but it's a surprise, so I have to keep mum about it right now. Don't worry -- photos will be posted on Flickr when I secure the necessary onesie. I was amazed that our Hot Topic even had the kids' clothes. Ours is so small!

Then again, I was amazed that Hot Topic would sell kids' clothes to begin with. But as I said to Michele, "Goths have kids too!"

I also went a little crazy at Macy's yesterday at the clearance rack. But damn, do I love that store!! They have the cutest clothes, and the Macy's low-cost brand of baby clothes are very affordable -- a dress for Grace would have been about $7. The quality is higher than Target for just about the same amount of money. Plus they have all their summer clothes on 60-65% off, so I got some good deals on clothes for her to wear in Tucson next month.

I can't believe I'm going to Tucson in the summer time... I think my brain will melt.

I also got Grace the cutest poncho to wear, and it's so big that it will probably fit her not only this winter but next as well. It's quite useful for this area because it's a heavy knit, so it's warm enough for our cold days, but since it never really gets that cold here, it will be easy to use as a layering piece. If it does get cold, all I have to do is add a sweater or sweatshirt under the poncho. Plus she can pull her arms back into the poncho to stay warm. And it has a hood! How cool is that! It was on sale for $17, pricey for me, but then I figured it was a bargain considering how much use I will get out of it.

I am so glad I don't really have to go anywhere today. I know I have to go to Schuck's, but that doesn't really count. I want to just stay home and recuperate from my busy week. As it is, I have a slight cold, which is pissing me off because I RARELY get sick! My throat is sore and I have a stuffy nose, and now I've passed it on to Grace. I'm more worried I passed it on to E yesterday; poor boy is only four months old. But I tried not to touch his face with my hands. I did have to hold him a few times, so he may have caught my sickness anyhow. Oh well. There isn't anything I can do about it now.

So there's my week in a nutshell. I think I will go relax now!

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