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16 May 2005

Houston, we have a tooth!
I have some really wonderful news!! Grace has cut her first tooth!! Is that exciting, or what?!

I noticed when J was over here earlier that she was drooling more than normal, but still it wasn't like the fountains of drool that I had been led to believe she would produce as she teethed. She didn't have a fever, and she wasn't fussy today. As she crawled around the living room, I noticed she was drooling again, so I coaxed her over to me to check her gums. And there was a pearly white, her very first!!! It's her bottom right front tooth.

I am so lucky that Grace is such a easy-going baby. I really lucked out on this one. I know, I know... the next one will be a bear! :o)

Not literally, of course. Although that would be interesting...

I also managed to update her baby book. I need to look up to see how much she weighed at her four-month well-baby visit before I can put it in the book, but I printed out some photos and glued them in with 3M Photo Adhesive Spray. Now I have glue sprayed all over my keyboard cover and my keyboard shelf.

Speaking of spray glue, how do people sniff that and get high?? Ugh!! It gives me a headache, and I just used a little bit of it. Plus it smells nasty. I think the next time I use it I need to go to the kitchen and open the patio door for ventilation. Yuck.

Wow, I still can't believe she has a tooth! I guess it's because she's seven months old, which is normal for a baby, but I think most babies I know got their first tooth younger. Also, there were no warning signs -- just BAM! A tooth! When she finally crawled, I wasn't that surprised because she had been getting up on her hands and knees and rocking back and forth for a few weeks. I was just waiting for her to get all that coordination together to move forward, and she did. I had no forewarning with her tooth. I figured she'd at least run a fever.

Gosh, I'm so excited!! My baby is growing up! How cool!!

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