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16 March 2005

How flexible are you?!

"What, Mom? Are you just jealous because you can't shove your toes into your mouth?!"

Actually I can still put my toes in my mouth if I wish, but I think it's not such a good idea anymore.

So yesterday I was at our foo-foo upscale grocery store, and I bought myself a bottle of wine. I've been experimenting with wine to see what I like and what I don't, and this particular grocery store, being foo-foo and all that, is a wonderful resource for buying wine. It's way better than even the local liquor store because this grocery store posts scores from Wine Enthusiast as well as general information about how the wine tastes. Plus they have sales on the wine all the time. The first two bottles of wine I bought there would have run me $35 if I'd paid full price, but I got them for $20.

As I checked out, though, I was carded. Grrr.

It's not so much the getting carded part. I don't mind that the checkout ladies are making sure that I am legally able to buy wine.

It's just that I hate looking so young. I understand that I don't look 21, so I am going to get carded. And since I am smart and keep my ID where I keep my debit card, it's not a pain to show her my ID. It's just another smack in the face to say, "Hey, you look like a teenager!!!"

People, I am 26. I have a baby. That should count for something.

I can just see it. I'm taking Grace to kindergarten for her first day of school with her little brother/sister on my hip. The teacher has some forms for me to fill out, only she assumes I'm the kids' nanny (best case scenario) or the older sister (worst case scenario) and informs me to give the papers to Grace's parents.

At this point in time I will be 30 years old.

I've always looked around at people my age and wondered why they look much older than I do. I see a girl who's barely 18 who could pass for my older sister. I just wonder when I am going to start looking like an adult.

And it's not that I want to look old. I like looking young because when I'm 50, people will think I'm 30. But if I could get the respect and be taken seriously because I am 26 years old, I would be more than thrilled with my appearance.

The problem is, I'm never taken seriously. People think I'm just a kid. No one ever pays attention to anything I have to say.

I own my own home. I have a baby. I have a husband. I have a four-year degree from a decent university.

Just don't treat me like a kid. That's all I ask.

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