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31 December 2002

Back from Arizona
We're baaaaack!!!!

Our trip to Arizona went well. We only forgot one thing that I wanted to do, which was to go to Sedona, because everyone we tell about going to Arizona wants to know if we've been to Sedona. Apparently it's beautiful up there. We'll get there... eventually. :o)

I think the coolest part of the whole trip was the road trip we took midway through. Kurt's got friends in Yuma, which is right on the border of California, and we went to see them and meet their baby. She's just the cutest, let me tell you. The second day we were there, we decided that since we had already driven halfway to San Diego, we might as well go there too. So we did! It took about three hours to get there, through some amazing scenery that looked so odd to my East Coast eyes. Once we got there, we ate at a seafood restaurant right there on the ocean that Kurt loved when he lived there a few years ago, and we went to this really neat mall that's built around an open courtyard called Horton's Plaza.

I had to call my sister many times and brag that I was in San Diego. She really wants to go there since there's a lot of health friendly places and stores.

But it was odd for me to be there. First of all, I was in California, which I'd never been in my entire life, so that was odd. It was mostly, though, that my best friend Sandy had lived there for several years, and I saw the Coronado Bridge that she'd undoubtably gone over many many times while she was there, and I saw San Diego State University where she had gone to school for a few semesters. All I could think about while I was there was her, and just hope that everything's going fine with her. I haven't talked to her in a year or so.

And now I can say I've been coast to coast in these United States. I think that's pretty cool!

The move to Seattle is a definite now. We called Kurt's detailer while we were in Arizona (right before we went into a casino to gamble some of our money away!), and he was told that yes, he's on his way to Washington. Now I'm getting excited about the whole thing. We'll be driving there, but we have to take the southern route because the drive through Wisconsin and North Dakota and all those states will be really tough in the winter. So instead we're going from here, straight west to Nashville and Memphis, then out to Oklahoma City, through Texas and New Mexico, to Tucson to visit Kurt's family again. We'll spend a few days there, and then go out to LA and up to Santa Cruz to see his cousin and her new baby, and finally up to Seattle from there. I've never done a road trip of this magnitude, and it will certainly be an adventure. Especially with two cats and a dog!!!

I'll probably be getting some light sedation from the vet to calm them a bit. I know Storm doesn't like riding in a car at all.

And besides, if we get there, and we hate it, it's only four and a half years that we'll be there. It's really a short time, in the whole scheme of things. But I'm looking at it as an adventure, as seeing something new, and I'm getting so excited.

I told my boss and some other people from my work that I'm going. They're understandably sad, but they know that I've got to go where Kurt goes.

Speaking of my old company, my friend there told me last night that the v.p. told her to tell me that if I want to work there again, I just need to call her and tell her so.

I bust out laughing, I couldn't help it. I wouldn't work for that woman if my life's existence depended on it!!! The whole company is rather self-destructing. It used to be a company of 25; now they tell me it's only about ten people and their orders are down by 60%. They have no large orders anymore, everything's small orders that are just barely keeping the company going.

It's a shame, really.

Happy New Year!!!

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