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Decline in productivity
Amusing occurrence of the day:

I was walking home from work, and there are all these white paper signs that have been posted all over campus. One reads, "Things are getting worse and you're not helping."

Scribbled underneath the black letters was "Neither are you!"

It made me giggle.


I have glue all over my fingers from work. I made up some more tickets for the books going to the bindery, replaced end sheets (the paper that covers the inside front and back covers of a hardback) in three books, and gave new spines to two more books. But by the time I got to the spines, I was chatting non-stop with Kathryn.

Kathryn just is the coolest girl. She's really pretty -- porcelain white skin, blue eyes, and blonde hair cut in the most adorable pixie like look -- but she looks like she'd be really shy. But one day, we were thrown together at work, and we haven't shut up yet. :o)

I found out today she's just as mad as I am that this school doesn't have any photography program AT ALL. We have a photo club, but it's more for folks that are hardcore into it, and Kathryn and I are still beginners. I told her we need to found a photography school here. She agreed.

I love that girl!

So we talked on and on today about music and art and photography... We both were in band/orchestra when we were young, both took piano lessons, and both had voice lessons. She played french horn, which is a most lovely sounding instrument. We both agreed that playing the oboe would be really cool -- it's got such a beautiful sound to it.


Today I finally figured out what Sweater Boy's name is. He and I used to work in Manuscripts & Rare Books together, but he was Gina's student, so I guess he was really part of Archives. Or something. Well anyhow, he'd come in every day wearing the neatest sweaters -- no ratty t-shirts and yucky jeans for him. I'd say hi to him wherever I'd see him, which was EVERYWHERE, and now he works in Circulation no more than ten feet from my workstation.

This morning I saw him and said, "Hi, uh... HI!" I didn't know his name.

So I asked him after work. I said, "Look, I have something really embarrassing to admit. I don't know your name!!" And this is after talking to him nearly every day for over an entire semester. He giggled a little, but a manly giggle, so I guess more of a chuckle, and said, "I don't know yours either!"

His name is Tim.


I should be trying to be productive right now. It's not working.

Yesterday I thought I was being productive -- I got all these articles read for my linguistics class on naming practices. But then I realized I'd forgotten all sorts of stuff.

At 8:15am, while sitting in Web Programming, I realized I'd forgotten to post a message to the discussion board for linguistics! It was due at 8am this morning.

I got to linguistics, all prepared to talk about naming practices, but when the professor asked us to get out our reading questions, I just blinked. There weren't any for naming practices. And I realized -- I read the wrong material!!! Today we talked about tu vs. vous in French. And he told us lots of amusing stories about kissing by way of greeting in France.

So my productivity has gone sharply down. Oh well.


My roommate and I were being extremely giddy last night. She was trying to do some reading for one of her classes, and like the evil roomie I am, I kept distracting her. I wanted to name the teddy bear Kurt got me for our anniversary, so I was on various baby names sites to find some snooty British name.

I think we've settled on Cedric. Or Thaddeus. Or Cedric Thaddeus. Or Thaddeus Cedric.

If you didn't know us really, you'd think we were drunk. Loud noises and lots of giggling were coming from this room. However, I don't think I was drunk on the third of a berry Hooch I drank last night... :o)

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