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The aftermath of the Fourth
I have found a new love. I'm sorry, Kurt... it couldn't be helped. I fell in love with the new Pontiac Bonneville today. I saw it on the way to Walmart (which I found my way to from work today, which is amazing since I've never actually driven there before) -- this stunning teal car... The new Bonneville has such smooth aerodynamic lines; the back is reminiscent of a Dodge Intrepid (for those of you who know that car). It has a sporty front in true Pontiac fashion, like the Grand Am. This baby is SLEEK... goddamn, it was gorgeous. *fans self* IS IT GETTING WARM IN HERE?! Heh.

Can you tell I have a love affair with cars?? I had a boyfriend once, that loved cars also. Hell, I don't know how they work and I don't really care. But the two of us would sit in Wendy's and critique all the cars that went by. I've always loved the Chevy Beretta, ever since my days in Illinois (back when my sister was a metal-head). I used to tell folks that was my dream car. I wish I could find one now, cheap... The Dodge Intrepid... wow. Not to mention the Chrysler Concorde. I'm not much into large vehicles -- no SUV for me. Kurt can have his wannabe "truck." :o) Oh, and the Toyota Avalon, 2000 model. Have you seen the back?! I love the retro look that car manufacturers are going for, the silver strip right above the license plate on the Avalon, the new Ford Taurus, and the Mitsibishi Galant. How much better could it get?!

And yes, I did FINALLY get to see Gone in 60 Seconds. My friend Rica and I went on Monday. What a DAMN good movie! I kept thinking about it all day yesterday. A parade of gorgeous cars -- all the imports that I'm not too familiar with. BMW, Porshe, Ferrari.... I should have been born a boy. :o)

Man, what a day today! I swear, everyone had sour milk in their Cheerios this morning. Saad hadn't slept the night before again, and he wanted to switch with me for phones duty. But I HAD to finish Stina's present, and the only way for me to do that was to work phones. I should have switched...

EVERYONE was in such a pissy mood. One woman called me because her cheap computer didn't work, and she didn't want to pay for tech support over the phone and she didn't want to drive all the way to the store to get free tech support. Another lady got really abusive to me, and got even madder when I didn't say goodbye. I thought she was going to hang up on me! Yet another lady wanted to speak to a manager because she was SURE her warranty GUARANTEED her 24-hour turnaround on repairs. Yeah right. This guy called me really pissed off and not using nice language because he said that one of our techs, Nelzon, was completely incompetent and was messing up his computer. Nelzon's one of our best techs. I doubted it.

And those are just the people on the phone!! After I ate, I came down to the floor and Sunil took over phones duty. But the phone kept ringing, and I answered it because there was no one at the counter. That lady kept me on the phone for over half an hour. She was very sweet, but very frustrated and just wanted to vent, I guess.

This other guy came up and wanted to get his computer.... The lady he was with didn't have her work order number, and she said her name, then spelled it. The last letter I THOUGHT she said was a "y"... but it didn't come up in the computer, so I asked her to spell it again. Turns out that last letter was really an "i" -- the guy got angry at me because I asked her to repeat it. I didn't find that out till later in the conversation, when he was very irate with me anyhow, and Jeremy grabbed my cash bag. I said out of the corner of my mouth to Jeremy, "That's my bag." Jeremy nodded and went about his business. The customer yelled at me to focus on him, that he's already filled out a comment card and made a note of my name on it for the apathy I showed when he and the lady approached the counter because I had to ask her how to spell her name again! He said, "There are only four letters! How could you NOT hear her??!" I explained that I thought the last letter was a "y" and admitted it was my fault for not hearing, but I do have problems hearing sometimes, especially in that noisy environment. He's going to send a comment card to home office because I was trying to help him the best way I knew how. Some days you just can't win. It didn't help that this guy sways when he's mad, so he kept swaying into my face.

Another customer returned something yesterday because the customer service rep who helped him was lazy and didn't want to call Office Max for the price match, so today he brought in the ad. And he wanted Paulette to find what he returned yesterday, the precise item, so that he could buy it back again with the matched price. Dude, our returns are gone by the next day -- with markdown stickers on them and stuck on the markdown shelf. It was most likely already sold.

I told you everyone had sour milk in their Cheerios!! That's just the only explanation. Unless EVERYONE had a crappy Fourth.

So how was mine, you ask? (Like you care.) Didn't do much; watched ID4. What a fitting movie, eh? It was good... I love Jeff Goldblum. Isn't he HOT?! Heh.

Take care, all!!

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