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Strangeness in Home Depot
This clock on Diaryland just keeps getting further and further ahead... strange.

The most amusing thing about having this diary online is that my sister reads it. She always tells me that she didn't know about something I've written about, like with yesterday's entry about wanting a boat. We share a lot, but since we haven't been in the same house for many years, we don't really know a lot about each other. We learn something new about each other every day, either through our diaries or just in chatting online. With her in Oklahoma and me in Virginia, it's a bit hard to communicate in a more personal way. But we manage. Frequently I wish that things had been different for us... that we'd been able to stay together more. To tell the truth, I miss having a sister who knows me inside and out. But somehow what Michele and I have is still good. We still share a lot (like the spelling of our first names), and we get along fairly well. The Internet has been a blessing to us because that's how we've gotten to know one another more these past few years. Without it, we'd be almost complete strangers still. Thank God for the Net! (And Michele, quit crying! Hee hee!)

Dad and I went to the hardware store today... Home Depot!! It was quite nifty. I love hardware stores. But as soon as we walked in, we were stopped by a man that it took me a second to recognize. It was Mr. E., an ex's father. And this particular ex... well, we split rather amicably, but the after-events kind of, well, did something to him. He dropped out of college and apparently no longer speaks to his parents. Talking to Mr. E. was very odd; when my ex and I were dating, his family was like a second family to me. His brother would call me Sis (and his dad would call me Carol Anne; why, I don't know), and I would call his parents Mom and Dad. When my ex and I split, his parents still liked me... but when he started having problems in school, I stopped hearing from them. So it was incredibly weird to be talking to Mr. E. in the middle of Home Depot, of all places. He seemed friendly, gave me a hug, smiled a lot, and complimented me on my red hair. But it was still strange... and brought back a lot of things I had thought I had put behind me....

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