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A drive-thru Starbucks?!
So I hear this commercial on the radio for a drive-thru Starbucks. Not only can we get lunch on the run now, but we can also get our morning coffee. Images of harried office workers on their cell phones to important clients, trying to maneuver their Lexuses through this heavy D.C. traffic with one hand clutching the phone and the other preventing their hot coffee from scalding their laps run through my imagination. I realize that this is already occurring, but I believe the drive-thru Starbucks will only increase this phenomenon. Whatever happened to getting ready early enough in the morning that you could sit on the patio outside Starbucks and enjoy your coffee before the day officially started?? And why do people need gourmet coffee anyhow? As long as I've got flavoured creamer, I'm good. Oh, and Columbian coffee. I like it strong. :o) But as for this drive-thru thing, I think our lives are harried enough; we live too quickly. It's all about how much we can cram into a day. And the fact that we can't even spare the time to go into a Starbucks for our morning jolt of caffeine is really a mark of decay in our society. We need to slow down... Take time out for ourselves and just relax..... Go out, smell the roses, watch the butterflies, play with the little ones on the playground. Enjoy life.

Dad and I were in the mall today (while I played typical Mall Rat and informed him where all the stores were), and we passed a couple of displays of boats. Now *that* is what I would love to have. A boat large enough to hold me and one or two other people, large enough to sleep in, but not huge and ostentatious. I would go out there, let the other person fish if s/he so desired (I haven't gone fishing since I was 4 and I plan to keep it that way), and just relax in the sun and listen to the waves lap against the boat. I'd want one large enough to sleep in so that I could fall asleep, gently rocked by the waves. That would just be the coolest sensation. That's my dream... :o)

And for those of you who are Shirley-addicts, here's quite the sexy pic of her. Check it out; she's even more gorgeous than usual in this photo!!

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