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16 May 2007

Stuck in the sand
Yesterday was full of drama on the high sneeze (as my good buddy Art would say)!!!!

I was sitting on the couch, minding my own beeswax and stitching, when I heard a big ol' truck pull up outside. I didn't think anything of it, since we have all that new construction in the lot across the street. But I did pop up and see what was going on. From my vantage point, all I could see was a medium-sized diesel work truck.


I went back to stitching.

Then I saw in the reflection on the glass of my entertainment center my friend R across the street with her son. This is how I keep dibs on my little neck of the woods; I can see everything that passes my house in the reflection.

I figured she and her son were going for a walk, but they didn't move from where they were hidden by my bushes. They seriously need a good whacking, but I have been too lazy to whack them down. Since they hadn't continued their walk, I put on my shoes and headed across the street, thinking R was chatting with our neighbor T.

Actually what had happened was the workmen at the new construction house had yelled at R to prevent her from getting to her home. What she should have done was simply crossed the street and continued on her way, but she didn't realize she could do that. I didn't think anything of it till R started talking about what was going on at the construction site.

Apparently a guy working on the site had driven his work truck right up to the new house. The bottom of the house is lower than the street, and the "yard" is nothing but sand at this point.

Can you see where this is going??

Yes, folks, this amazingly brilliant construction guy drove a heavy truck off the road and onto sand. And no, he could not drive it back on to the road.

I just HAD to get my camera to immortalize this event.

The men hook up some ropes to try to tow the truck out of the sand

(Click on the photo for a larger size for easier viewing.)

This is when I first got outside and realized what all was going on. The guys were hooking up tow ropes from the medium-sized diesel truck, the one I had heard when I was sitting on the couch, to the truck stuck in the sand.

Now the guys try digging the tires out

Here the guys are trying to dig out the tires from the sand. Right around this time, some grimy guys showed up in a Jeep to help. I think they live a few houses up on my street. They decided to lend a helpful hand, instead of standing around and taking photos, like I was.

Voila!!!  The truck is successfully towed out.

And voila!! Success!! The truck is towed out of the sand!!

I, being the smart ass that I am, gave the guys a rousing hand of applause so they knew their hard work was highly appreciated. They ignored me and instead invited the grimy guys out for a round at a local bar for their help.

Ah well.

The whole thing took a half hour. There has to be SOME kind of excitement in my life!

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