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17 March 2007

Mark has been rescued
In case you were wondering, it looks as though my brother will get home to DC today!! YAY! My father has a friend in Detroit whose wife is a travel agent, so she pulled some strings and got him on a flight home today. I am so stoked.

I called Mark earlier today to see how things were, but I think he was probably trying to pick up chicks because he didn't seem interested in carrying on a conversation with me. That's one thing about Mark: he loooooooooves the girls.

He's just like our dad that way. *wink*

Now how is it that you do housework, and the next time you turn around there is MORE stuff to take care of?? I swear, the papers and random crap in my house must reproduce as I sleep.

Having a toddler does not help. All the toys I have put away in her room tends to find its way to the living room throughout the day. I wouldn't mind so much if she kept the clutter contained to her room since then I could just shut the door to her room when it got to be too much for me.

Then again, most of the time we keep the door to her room shut anyhow because my psycho cat Storm likes to steal her socks and her smaller toys and bat them around the house. The only way to keep him from doing that is to keep him out of the room.

But Grace loves to play in the living room since that's where I spend most of my time. So she brings all her toys into the living room, which means that if someone were to show up randomly at my house (a rare occurrence, but still), my living room is trashed. It also means I end up trucking everything back to her room at night.

I can't wait till we can have a larger house with a playroom the children can destroy at will.

Speaking of Grace and my house, she's lately taken to running around the center block of the house which contains the coat closet on the one side and my laundry nook in the other. She goes running round and round and round and round for twenty minutes at a time. At least she's getting some exercise...

Crazy baby.

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