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10 February 2007

I am not a spammer
I am starting to get highly annoyed with Diaryland.

No, seriously!!!

Twice now I have attempted to leave comments on The Purple Chai's diary, only to be informed that I am a spammer and there is no use trying to spam D-land anymore.

I think it was Chocolate Chaos who told me just to wait a few minutes and try to re-post the comment, but for some reason that just isn't working. I am still getting "you are a spammer."

Of course, on that page you are advised to contact D-land if you've been marked a spammer incorrectly. I've tried that. No answer.

Just for grins and chuckles, I looked at the emails I'd sent to tech support to see if they had been answered. I sent them 590 days ago. That's almost two years. Apparently they are still in the queue, waiting to be answered.

I have a feeling that while I will maintain my website here (since I've been here seven years, after all), I will no longer pay for it. I'm not sure what I am paying for, anyhow. I don't host my images here, I don't use the comments (thank God for Haloscan), and I sure don't get any tech support.

I'm not angry at Andrew; I don't think he's being a jerk just for the sake of being a jerk. I think he's overextended, that this site took off much more quickly than he expected it to. I think he just doesn't have the resources to deal with all the issues anymore, and so he can't even answer the emails, if he even wanted to.

It's just such a shame that I've been here for so long, and yet I'm marked a spammer just because I try to comment on a page.

Oh well.

So today was housework day! YAY!!!

OK, not really. But at least my house was clean.

Today I straightened up Grace's room by putting away her full laundry basket of clean clothes, and reorganizing some of her toys. Amazingly enough, her room still looks clean! I am so proud of myself.

I also vacuumed the entire house (all 860 square feet of it) and mopped the kitchen floor. Now the living room is buried under an afternoon's worth of toys, and the kitchen floor looks like I mopped it about a week ago.


What is it about housework that it's never done?? My house was spotless, top to bottom, for my New Year's Eve party. My computer desk now looks like a bomb hit it, and the rest of the house isn't much better. I've tried to be ruthless about my paper accumulation, but for some reason it just piles up and up and up.

Oh, and Ex-Radiogurl does have a good idea in Freecycling things, but my only problem is I don't have Freecycle-able stuff. What I'm getting rid of right now is old magazines and newspapers and old candles and stuff like that, actual garbage. I tell you what, though, when we get ready to move I am all over the Freecycle thing like white on rice.

I cannot wait to get rid of some of our stuff. Like our original lawnmower, which Kurt promised me he would fix and then sell. Which is still languishing away in our garage, next to the working lawnmower.

Did I mention we have a one-car garage? Actually it's more of a no-car garage; we couldn't fit a car in the garage if we wanted to. My car doesn't fit in the garage even when it's bare. I have a coupe, and my doors are extremely long to allow people in the backseat to get out of the car. I can't open my doors wide enough while it's in the garage to get out of the car. Besides, we don't have an automatic garage-door opener, so I've no interest in storing my car in there anyhow.

Tomorrow I may decide to clean the bathroom, or I may just sit on my tushie and watch tv and stitch. During the week I am usually so busy that I just want to vegetate on the weekends. I miss football, though. There was always something good to watch on Sundays.

Now it's off to get Grace to help me straighten the living room, if I can drag her away from tormenting the poor kitties, and then chucking her in the crib for a good night's rest.

Mmmm sleep.... one of my favorite things!

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