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18 January 2007

We dont need no steenkin husbands
You see this????

My new showerhead, installed by yours truly!!!

THAT is my new showerhead!! YAY!!!!

See, Kurt and I prefer to have a double showerhead, and we'd had one very similar to this, but the non-handheld showerhead was this rainfall-type thing that didn't put out much in the way of water. This one has five settings for both the handheld and the standard showerhead. I'm so stoked!!!

AND.... AND!!! I installed it myself, just like I did with the last showerhead! Husbands -- who needs 'em???

Did I mention that I installed it and didn't even need a wrench? This is how strong I am. I am She-Ra!!

OK, going a bit too far there. But I am proud of myself.

Speaking of not needing husbands, I also managed to effect a car repair today. Of course, I didn't do it myself, but I did know what needed to be done.

See, last week I took the truck (it's really a small SUV, but we call it "the truck") to town to do some shopping, and it was seriously out of gas. So I headed to Costco to fill up. While filling the gas tank (which you have to do yourself here in Washington, unlike in Oregon where it's against the law!), the gentleman waiting behind me approached me to tell me my tire was low.

Yes, my tire was low. Kind of like the Grand Canyon is a hole.

I was surprised that the rim wasn't touching the ground, my tire was that low. So I had the folks at the tire center fill it back up with air. I've been monitoring it ever since, and today I decided that sure enough, I have a slow leak.

After taking Grace to Cabin Fever, where she ran around like a crazy person, and going to lunch with my new friend AS, I headed off to Walmart to get my flat fixed. The funny thing is the guy also found a nail in another tire, but he said he filled the tire and checked for leaks, but it's not leaking at all, even with a nail in it! I'll keep an eye on it and take it back if it starts to leak. It's an easy thing to do at Walmart -- you drop off your car, go shopping for stuff you need (Grace was out of bananas, the poor thing), and come back twenty minutes later to a fixed tire! And for only $9.50 too! Can't beat it!

Well, you can beat it. J told me I should have taken it to Les Schwab Tires to have it done because they do it for free. Yes, they do it for free -- if you have Les Schwab tires. I don't have Les Schwab tires. In fact, I had never even heard of Les Schwab before I moved out here. They're a West Coast thing.

Actually, I've been holding my breath lately. Usually something goes catastrophically wrong while Kurt is out to sea. One time, the fridge died, the sink sprang a leak, the lawnmower refused to stay running, the version of IE I was running became corrupted and my internet experience was hell, and the truck decided it didn't want to start anymore -- and that was all during ONE deployment! This time nothing has gone seriously wrong. I'm sort of waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Hmm, maybe it's getting chilly in the house. I do believe Grace has turned on the space heater all by herself! You think she's trying to tell me something?

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