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27 October 2006

Push the button
I am continually amazed at how quickly Grace is growing. She's two now, and she's learning words at an amazing rate. She's not learning them one by one, however. It's more like she knows the word for something, but she's not going to use it until she knows how it fits into a sentence. When she's babbling away in her own language, you can hear English words popping into her monologue, but she will rarely use them on her own. I think she'll just explode into full sentences soon.

One thing she loves to say is, "Push the button!" when she's referring to turning the tv on, or "Push it!" when she wants the light or the radio on in her bedroom. It's quite amusing to see her talk.

So I decided to share with you this video that Kurt took earlier this week. I had just paused the tv (we have finally come into the 21st century and gotten ourselves a DVR), and Grace wanted me to start it back up again. Enjoy!!!

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