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18 October 2006

Feeling downright yucky

I am officially sick.

I tried so hard NOT to be sick. I'm not one to drink gallons of orange juice, like my dear husband, but I firmly believe that you'll feel worse if you have a bad attitude about it. So I kept telling myself, "You're not sick. You're not sick."

Last night I capitulated.

For some odd reason I woke up at 6am this morning and heard music playing. I initially thought it was my alarm, but then I realized it was coming through the baby monitor. Grace had apparently set the alarm in her room to go off at 6:07am. Smart baby.

Since I didn't want to get up at 6:07am (that's just crazy talk right there), I snuck into her room and shut her radio off.

Then once I crawled back into bed, I pulled the covers back up over my shoulder and managed to knock my glasses off my nightstand in the process. I can't just let my glasses sit on the floor like that. I have to know at all times where they are because what if the house caught on fire and I had to escape?? I'm so blind I'd get lost if I didn't have my glasses.

So I had to root around trying to find my glasses. That's just a mean trick, right there, asking the blind girl to find her glasses at 6am in the dark. It took me about five minutes before I finally found them, and by that time I was pretty much awake.

I laid in bed for a while until I realized I couldn't breathe and my throat was killing me. I'd left my cough drops in the living room, so I figured since I had to get up anyhow, I might as well grab my pillow and try to read for a bit on the couch. I didn't want to wake poor Kurt up too.

The reading thing didn't pan out; I guess I was just too tired. But I was more comfortable on the couch than I was in the bed because I could sit up a bit and let my nose drain. Next thing I know it's sometime around 7 or 8am, and Kurt's gotten up to use the bathroom. He was totally confused as to why I wasn't in bed, so I had to explain to him that I was sick. Then he started calling his detailer (the person who tells us where we are going on our next tour of duty -- that's a long story) at 8:30am because he's playing phone tag with the ship and the detailer and he wants to get his next orders finalized. I figured by that time I was actually awake, but then fell back asleep until 10am.

And now it's just after 1pm and I'm tired and exhausted and achy and just in general feel like I was hit by a bus. The good thing is that Kurt is home on leave right now, so if I really want to spend the day in bed, there is someone to keep an eye on Grace. At the same time, I'm sort of bummed that I am sick while he's home because we have a ton of stuff we want to do, and more stuff that we need to do.

Fortunately I'm not usually sick for long, so I should be as right as rain in a day or two. At least, that's what I'm hoping.


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