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26 September 2006

Exercise in futility
Today was my "exercise in futility" day!!!!

I asked Kurt to drop off the dress I wore at the pinning ceremony at the drycleaner's on Saturday. Normally I do not dry clean my stuff, but Gracie had gotten goldfish cracker stains on my dress and I figured since it was dry-clean-only, I ought to dry clean it.

I don't buy dry-clean-only clothes. But the price was right on this dress -- a measly $15!

The dress was dropped off at our friendly neighborhood cleaners, and I figured that since it was dropped off on Saturday, it should be ready by today. But Kurt had lost my pickup slip, so I wasn't sure.

I get to the drycleaner's and ask for my dress, but lo, and behold, it wasn't ready yet. It didn't bother me because I pretty much gambled that it would be done since I didn't have the pickup slip anymore. Plus the futile trip to the drycleaner's allowed Grace and me to share a lunch at Subway!!!

And what is the special of the day at Subway on Tuesdays???

One of my favorites, the Meatball Marinara!! Yum yum!!!

So it wasn't a complete loss.

Then I decided to try to do something awfully sweet for my husband. You see, since he's been promoted he is now authorized to park on the pier when he goes to work instead of parking three-quarters of a mile away in the parking area for low-ranking peons. However, in order to park there without getting towed, he needs a special "I AM A CHIEF" sticker. We were hoping to get that sticker on Friday when we got our new ID cards, but we forgot. Bad us.

Today I figured I ought to try to get his "I AM A CHIEF" sticker. (They don't actually say, "I AM A CHIEF." They're actually just white stickers with a black eagle on them.) At the same time, I knew that I possibly would fail in my mission, as he isn't stationed to the base I was going to get them at, and the Navy, bless its paperwork-lovin' soul, will only allowed you to get car stickers at the base at which you are stationed. I was hoping that since I was just asking for Chief stickers, they'd make an exception for me.

I didn't even get a chance to find out!! Once I got to the Pass & ID Office at the sub base and went in circles for five minutes looking for an empty parking space, I wrote the car sticker number on the truck's registration and peeked into my wallet to make sure I had my military ID.

Which wasn't there.


I'd given Kurt my ID card on Saturday night at the ball to hold in his uniform pocket in case they wanted to card me for alcohol. Kurt had remembered to give it back to me on Sunday morning, but I had just stuck it into my jeans pocket instead of putting it in my wallet. Hence the ID card was still in my jeans pocket in my dirty laundry basket and NOT in my wallet.

Which meant I had no proof whatsoever that my husband is now a Chief or that I am even a Navy wife at all!! I couldn't even get onto the base to go drool over the Coach bags in the NEX!!

To make matters worse, once I arrived home from my futile errand-running, I leaned over to the passenger side to pick up my purse and found the pickup slip for my dress!!

Of the three things I meant to accomplish today, to pick up my dress from the drycleaner's, to have lunch at Subway, and to get Chief stickers for at least one vehicle, I managed to finish one -- eating lunch at Subway!

Go me. ;o)

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