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21 August 2006

More cross-stitch projects
I hate it when you spend all day putting little bits into the safe deposit box in your brain to regurgitate later into your blog, but when you sit down at the lovely Diaryland blue screen, you open up the box to find...


Well, near to nothing anyhow. I had something I really wanted to write about, but it flitted away and now I just have to resort back to what I was going to write about anyhow.

Damn my bad luck.

Today I headed off to Joann's because they very fortuitously ran a 60% off coupon for their framing department. I needed to have my Peaceful Countryside sampler professionally framed because it's a very weird size. The head framing lady measured it out to nearly 9" by 17�". Definitely a weird framing size.

I think the assistant clerk got a bit testy at me when I gently asked her to be careful about touching the fabric. You see, if you don't wash your hands before you touch the fabric, it can leave oils behind that will eventually stain the fabric. And since I am paying $50 to have the damn thing professionally framed, I'm not going to want to undo all that hard work to launder it in 20 years.

Oh well.

Then it was off to the cross-stitch section where I found, joy of all joys, the sampler I had mentioned in a previous entry!! YAY!! And me with a 40% off coupon as well! So I managed to pick up the autumn sampler so I can work on it all through autumn. That is, after I finish the kitty one I'm working on, and another top-secret kit I picked up today as well.

Top-secret. There's me being all sneaky again.

Grace is really getting to be a handful. Three days in a row she refused to take a nap; today she cried in her crib for about an hour. Well, she didn't so much cry as whine. But I know she needed a nap; her eyes were red-rimmed and she was very whiny before I put her down.

A few weeks ago she went on another nap strike, so I figured maybe she's growing out of naps. After only a few days, though, she went right back to napping an hour or two every day. So I don't know what's going on with her.

Plus she's getting rather attitudinal. If she doesn't want to do something (like sit in the cart like a civilized human being while we're shopping), she pitches a fit. I wouldn't mind so much if she weren't so LOUD. I was at a friend's house a couple weeks ago when Grace pitched a fit, and the friend says, "My, she's LOUD, isn't she??" That "friend" also hasn't returned any of my phone calls lately... harumph.

I figure about the only thing I can do right now is set her in the corner and remove my attention from her. Spanking doesn't get me anywhere, and she's too young to reason with. I figure eventually she'll realize that when she misbehaves, I withdraw my attention from her, and when she behaves, I make sure she has most of my attention. Positive reinforcement and all that.

This in-between stage of her being too young to discipline effectively but still needing structure is quite wearying on me. It doesn't help that Kurt's not around to assist me, but that's really par for the course by now. I'll just have to muddle through and figure out something that'll work, like thousands of women before me.

I'll need all the luck I can get!

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