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30 May 2006

Need time to think
Thank you for the comments you have left for me. I do have lots to think about, things maybe I haven't seen because I've been so angry, things maybe I should be thinking about.

I don't know what-all is going on anymore. Today has been a rough day just because we've been sniping at each other all day, and I know that never fixes anything.

At the moment I just want to be left alone so that I can figure out what exactly it is that I want. I need to process what all is going on and come to some sort of decision or position.

Right now my brain is all befuddled, I have an enormous headache, and I just don't feel like me at the moment.

Never fear -- I am sure I will bounce back soon. Just at the moment, I am tired.

I took more video of Miss Gracie today, as it was finally sunny enough to do so. Apparently my camera isn't too keen on just indoor lighting; every time in the last few days I've tried to take video of her with my digital camera, it has come out extraordinarily dark. Today the sun was beaming into the living room in the afternoon, and I managed to take some nice-looking video, although Grace didn't exactly want to cooperate and do something cute. I'll try to upload the video soon and share it with you.

She's also hugely enamoured of my new water jug. It's a 64oz jug with both a straw and a flip-open top, and for some reason she thinks the water I had left over in it from last name tastes better than her fresh, ice-cold water in her own sippy cup with a straw. Crazy baby! At least she can use a straw, so when she does drink out of my jug she's not spilling it everywhere.

By the way, the USPS came out with the coolest set of stamps today. Apparently I was the first one to buy a sheet today at my tiny little one-room post office; then I talked another customer into buying another sheet! They're 40 stamps, so it's $15.60 instead of the normal $7-some, but the stamps themselves are SO COOL! They're called the Wonders of America: Land of Superlatives. There are 40 different stamps of things like the Tallest Geyser (Steamboat Geyser in Yellowstone), the Hottest Spot (Death Valley), and the Most Active Volcano (Kilauea). They're done in lovely bright colors, sort of a 1950s feel, and on the back there is a small description of each stamp. Get down to your local post office and pick up a sheet!

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